A Case Study of Water Resource Utilization and Cropping Pattern in Command Area of Hariharapura Tank In Central Dry Zone of Karnataka

Authors : Manjula, N.and Radhakrishna, A. R.

Volume/Issue : Volume 2 - 2017, Issue 5 - May

Google Scholar : https://goo.gl/o914FB

Scribd : https://goo.gl/o9XzDo

Thomson Reuters ResearcherID : https://goo.gl/3bkzwv

Abstract : Implication on water resource utilization and cropping pattern in the command area of Hariharapura tank in Central dry zone of Karnataka indicated that, the tail end farmers in the command area were also getting the irrigation water to take up crops and there was equitable distribution of water among all categories of water and irrespective of the distance from the sluice. The farmers could take up crops successfully and there was no bias in the share of tank water.

Keywords : Tank command area, cropping pattern, water utilization pattern.

Implication on water resource utilization and cropping pattern in the command area of Hariharapura tank in Central dry zone of Karnataka indicated that, the tail end farmers in the command area were also getting the irrigation water to take up crops and there was equitable distribution of water among all categories of water and irrespective of the distance from the sluice. The farmers could take up crops successfully and there was no bias in the share of tank water.

Keywords : Tank command area, cropping pattern, water utilization pattern.

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