A Case Study on Evaluation of Trikantakadi Kwath in Mutrakrichhra

Authors : Dr. Shivani Sundriyal; Dr. Sanjay Kumar Tripathi; Dr. Shweta Gyanendra Shukla

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 6 - June

Google Scholar : https://bit.ly/3IIfn9N

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3v2CzLV

DOI : https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6879333

Abstract : Ayurveda is a medical branch giving utmost preference in correcting the pathological aspects of Mutrakricchra. The vivid Ayurvedic vocabulary is capable of addressing issues like Mutrakricchra to a great extent and can really contribute to the whole medical world by providing alternative for antibiotics and chemically made alkalizes. Modern pharmacological agents are having their own limitations as per reported studies. Now the need of Ayurvedic medicine arises to fill this lacuna. There are number of preparations described in Ayurvedic text and Trikantakadi Kwath in one among them reference is from Chakradatta and it has wonderful properties that helps in curing Mutrakrichhra. It contains drugs having propertiese such as Vata-Pitta Shamak, Mutrala, Anulomak, Mutrakrichhra-hara, Daha Shamak, Ashmari Hara, Srotoshodhak, Vranropak propertiese. On modern parametres we can say that these drugs have antiinflammatory, diuretic, antacid lithotriptic, anti-lithogenic, laxative actions.

Ayurveda is a medical branch giving utmost preference in correcting the pathological aspects of Mutrakricchra. The vivid Ayurvedic vocabulary is capable of addressing issues like Mutrakricchra to a great extent and can really contribute to the whole medical world by providing alternative for antibiotics and chemically made alkalizes. Modern pharmacological agents are having their own limitations as per reported studies. Now the need of Ayurvedic medicine arises to fill this lacuna. There are number of preparations described in Ayurvedic text and Trikantakadi Kwath in one among them reference is from Chakradatta and it has wonderful properties that helps in curing Mutrakrichhra. It contains drugs having propertiese such as Vata-Pitta Shamak, Mutrala, Anulomak, Mutrakrichhra-hara, Daha Shamak, Ashmari Hara, Srotoshodhak, Vranropak propertiese. On modern parametres we can say that these drugs have antiinflammatory, diuretic, antacid lithotriptic, anti-lithogenic, laxative actions.

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