A Comparative Analysis of Cryptographic Algorithms: AES & RSA and Hybrid Algorithmfor Encryption and Decryption

Authors : Sa’idu Sani; Prashansa Taneja; Shreya Kalta

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 8 - August

Google Scholar : https://bit.ly/3IIfn9N

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3DEpSfk

DOI : https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7095180

Abstract : Cryptography was provided to secure communication between two parties known as sender and receiver in the appearance of unassigned user known as attackers with the process called encryption. The process of changing the plaint text uses an algorithm and a key to convert a plaintext into another format. The used procedure transforms the same plaintext into the same cipher text if the same process followed. The objective of this research is to propose an improved cryptographic algorithm that would combined the two different algorithms to encrypt and decrypt file using more than one key. It will also analyze the confidentiality, integrity and authenticity provided by cryptography on a network by examining some selected algorithm such as data encryption standard (DES), blowfish encryption algorithm, RSA encryption algorithm and advance encryption standard (AES) algorithms as they are among the most useful algorithms today. The research examines cryptographic algorithms using secondary data obtained from related journals and conference papers. The study result shows that the proposed system improved the maximum accuracy required due to the increases in the security level as it uses more than one key for encryption and decryption.

Keywords : Encryption, Decryption, Security, Plaintext, Ciphertext, Algorithm, Secret Key,Cryptographic Algorithm.

Cryptography was provided to secure communication between two parties known as sender and receiver in the appearance of unassigned user known as attackers with the process called encryption. The process of changing the plaint text uses an algorithm and a key to convert a plaintext into another format. The used procedure transforms the same plaintext into the same cipher text if the same process followed. The objective of this research is to propose an improved cryptographic algorithm that would combined the two different algorithms to encrypt and decrypt file using more than one key. It will also analyze the confidentiality, integrity and authenticity provided by cryptography on a network by examining some selected algorithm such as data encryption standard (DES), blowfish encryption algorithm, RSA encryption algorithm and advance encryption standard (AES) algorithms as they are among the most useful algorithms today. The research examines cryptographic algorithms using secondary data obtained from related journals and conference papers. The study result shows that the proposed system improved the maximum accuracy required due to the increases in the security level as it uses more than one key for encryption and decryption.

Keywords : Encryption, Decryption, Security, Plaintext, Ciphertext, Algorithm, Secret Key,Cryptographic Algorithm.

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