A Cost Effective Recruitment Hiring Analysis for Big Data

Authors : Prakash salvi; Ravi khatwal; Vikas Somani

Volume/Issue : Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 7 - July

Google Scholar : https://bit.ly/3TmGbDi

Scribd : https://tinyurl.com/psuu3m7k

DOI : https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8204487

Abstract : With social media's meteoric rise in popularity, efforts are being made to leverage it to find new employees for open positions and finding human subjects for diverse investigations using digital recruitment is growing in popularity. An online ad that outlines the assignment and sets forth expectations serves as the process's introduction. In particular, LinkedIn and Twitter have facilitated a developing trend for connecting people with potential possibilities based on their interests. This makes it simpler for both employees and businesses to find more relevant jobs. The study aims to present a system specification and design, analyse the issue of digital hiring mechanism. We examine recruitement hiring data by using big data analytical software or tools.

Keywords : Big Data, Big Data Analytic, Business Intelligence, Recruitment hiring analytics.

With social media's meteoric rise in popularity, efforts are being made to leverage it to find new employees for open positions and finding human subjects for diverse investigations using digital recruitment is growing in popularity. An online ad that outlines the assignment and sets forth expectations serves as the process's introduction. In particular, LinkedIn and Twitter have facilitated a developing trend for connecting people with potential possibilities based on their interests. This makes it simpler for both employees and businesses to find more relevant jobs. The study aims to present a system specification and design, analyse the issue of digital hiring mechanism. We examine recruitement hiring data by using big data analytical software or tools.

Keywords : Big Data, Big Data Analytic, Business Intelligence, Recruitment hiring analytics.

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