A Descriptive Study to Assess the Knowledge and Practice Regarding Adverse Effects of Excessive use of Mobile Phones among Nursing Students of Selected Nursing College of Bagalkot

Authors : Dr. Deelip S. Natekar, Renukaraj Y Nagammanavar, Ajayakumar, Vijayakumar, Vijayalaxmi, Sushma, Sushmita, Veerabhadra, Vinod.

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 4 - April

Google Scholar : https://goo.gl/DF9R4u

Scribd : https://bit.ly/2WvYzyG

Abstract : A descriptive survey was carried out to assess the knowledge and practice regarding adverse effects of excessive use of mobile phones among Nursing students of selected Nursing college of Bagalkot. The study was conducted by Mr. Ajayakumar, Mr. Vijayakumar, Ms. Vijayalaxmi, Ms. Sushma, Ms. Sushmita, Mr. Veerabhadra, Mr. Vinod, Final year BSc. (N) and PB B.Sc students of Sajjalashree Institute of Nursing Sciences Navanagar,Bagalkot in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Bachelor of Science in Nursing of Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore.

A descriptive survey was carried out to assess the knowledge and practice regarding adverse effects of excessive use of mobile phones among Nursing students of selected Nursing college of Bagalkot. The study was conducted by Mr. Ajayakumar, Mr. Vijayakumar, Ms. Vijayalaxmi, Ms. Sushma, Ms. Sushmita, Mr. Veerabhadra, Mr. Vinod, Final year BSc. (N) and PB B.Sc students of Sajjalashree Institute of Nursing Sciences Navanagar,Bagalkot in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Bachelor of Science in Nursing of Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore.

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