A Desing of Fuel Injection Pipe Head Forming Machine

Authors : Karibasavaraja D; Saisumukh S H; Sumanth P; Rahul R; S Chandan

Volume/Issue : Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 1 - January

Google Scholar : https://bit.ly/3IIfn9N

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3RYs6LQ

DOI : https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7635464

Abstract : Hydraulics is a branch of engineering concerned mainly moving liquids. It is proven to be the most effective and economical system. Nowadays, the forming machine has lot of scope. This machine can do forming of materials with easy. In order to achieve the same, a hydraulic head forming machine is fabricated can extend highest benefits. Hydraulic head forming is a machine to produce compressive force by means of fluid. By using Pascal's law principle. Head forming is extensively employed in many of the fuel pipe industries. Head form working processes make use of large forces by head form tools for a short time interval which results in plastic deformation causes bulging in the head part of the pipe. Since, head forming does not involve heating of the parts, close tolerances and high surface finish can be obtained on the part. Hence in this project to overcome the disadvantage of exiting method such as "Screw Press" implemented and designed fabricated fuel injection pipe head forming machine which reduced production time, production cost, increased product accuracy and laborers work becomes more convenient and increase in the accuracy .there is higher initial cost involved we have tried to make the system cost effective and also add different enhancements to make the system more efficient.

Keywords : Solenoid , Cylinder , Head Forming Machine , Geared Pump , Double Acting Cylinder , Directional Control Valve, Hydraulic, Pascal, Fuel Injection Pipe, Screw Press.

Hydraulics is a branch of engineering concerned mainly moving liquids. It is proven to be the most effective and economical system. Nowadays, the forming machine has lot of scope. This machine can do forming of materials with easy. In order to achieve the same, a hydraulic head forming machine is fabricated can extend highest benefits. Hydraulic head forming is a machine to produce compressive force by means of fluid. By using Pascal's law principle. Head forming is extensively employed in many of the fuel pipe industries. Head form working processes make use of large forces by head form tools for a short time interval which results in plastic deformation causes bulging in the head part of the pipe. Since, head forming does not involve heating of the parts, close tolerances and high surface finish can be obtained on the part. Hence in this project to overcome the disadvantage of exiting method such as "Screw Press" implemented and designed fabricated fuel injection pipe head forming machine which reduced production time, production cost, increased product accuracy and laborers work becomes more convenient and increase in the accuracy .there is higher initial cost involved we have tried to make the system cost effective and also add different enhancements to make the system more efficient.

Keywords : Solenoid , Cylinder , Head Forming Machine , Geared Pump , Double Acting Cylinder , Directional Control Valve, Hydraulic, Pascal, Fuel Injection Pipe, Screw Press.

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