A Developed Secured Model for Searching Into Secured Encrypted Data

Authors : Mohamed Abdelhadi, Tiruveedula Gopi Krishna

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 9 - September

Google Scholar : https://goo.gl/DF9R4u

Scribd : https://bit.ly/2mpKYZn

Abstract : Our research paper has presented a new developed model for secured search into a big data of document collections. The developed model has investigated the importance of secured search and also the need for its practices in the real world. We have actually, studied both side of encryption in practical techniques issues and theoretical issues to improve the integration of information retrieval and cryptographic methods used for secured searching. We have chosen 3DES encryption technique to encrypt document data collections. Our new developed secured model has provided an efficient secured searching and/or security and authenticity over all.

Keywords : Information Retrieval, 3DES Encryption Method.

Our research paper has presented a new developed model for secured search into a big data of document collections. The developed model has investigated the importance of secured search and also the need for its practices in the real world. We have actually, studied both side of encryption in practical techniques issues and theoretical issues to improve the integration of information retrieval and cryptographic methods used for secured searching. We have chosen 3DES encryption technique to encrypt document data collections. Our new developed secured model has provided an efficient secured searching and/or security and authenticity over all.

Keywords : Information Retrieval, 3DES Encryption Method.

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