A focus on DRC's Economy: Main Sources of Growth and Vulnerabilities

Authors : Jonathan MUYA KUPA

Volume/Issue : Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 10 - October

Google Scholar : https://tinyurl.com/3atfaamx

Scribd : https://tinyurl.com/mr787wts

DOI : https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10208752

Abstract : The DRC is amongst the poorest nations in the world. In 2022, approximately 62% of the country's population — or 60 million people — lived on less than $ 2.15 a day (World Bank 2022). The DRC itself counts about fifty percent of people who live under the poverty line. Despite the critical resources that the country has. The main threats that the country faces are the lack of basic infrastructures, corruption, long-lasting conflict, political instability, poor governance, etc. Other issue that should get an important attention is climate change—its spillovers. Those challenges require huge found that the country can't afford. Although, the country could take advantage of possibility that international community offers in terms of financing those issues. On the government side, good practices are condition of drawing found. This research gives us the big picture of the main threats that could weigh on DRC economy growth over years. The economy hinges on the mining sector. This dependence makes him vulnerable to price downturn. That's been said, tackling that requires well-designed policies.

Keywords : Growth; Main Drivers; Vulnerabilities, International Community, Long-lasting War, Corruption, Climate Change & Prices of minerals.

The DRC is amongst the poorest nations in the world. In 2022, approximately 62% of the country's population — or 60 million people — lived on less than $ 2.15 a day (World Bank 2022). The DRC itself counts about fifty percent of people who live under the poverty line. Despite the critical resources that the country has. The main threats that the country faces are the lack of basic infrastructures, corruption, long-lasting conflict, political instability, poor governance, etc. Other issue that should get an important attention is climate change—its spillovers. Those challenges require huge found that the country can't afford. Although, the country could take advantage of possibility that international community offers in terms of financing those issues. On the government side, good practices are condition of drawing found. This research gives us the big picture of the main threats that could weigh on DRC economy growth over years. The economy hinges on the mining sector. This dependence makes him vulnerable to price downturn. That's been said, tackling that requires well-designed policies.

Keywords : Growth; Main Drivers; Vulnerabilities, International Community, Long-lasting War, Corruption, Climate Change & Prices of minerals.

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