A Framework for Monitoring Network Node Failure using Mobile Agents

Authors : M. O Lawal; K. G Akintola; O. K Boyinbode; N.C Onyeka

Volume/Issue : Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 10 - October

Google Scholar : https://tinyurl.com/28z78jwe

Scribd : https://tinyurl.com/25cuuawp

DOI : https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10065925

Abstract : Fault detection is an essential aspect of conducting fault diagnosis for computer networks. It comprises of two phases: fault detection and fault localization. The use of mobile agents for detecting faulty nodes on a network is a concept aimed at ensuring the proper functioning of networks. This research aims to design a fault detection framework for a network system using a mobile agent. Light Weight Agent (LWA) travels within the nodes to detect nodes that are down on the network and returns true or false along with other information as the status of each node visited. The system is designed using software agents. This subsystems of the system include the Agent Controller, Server Agent, Client Agent, Check Status and the database. The Agent Controller allocates and determines the agent functions using a unique identification number. The server agent controls the activities of the client agent by monitoring the migration of each of the probing agents to each node on the network. The system is implemented using the Java Application Development Environment (JADE) platform. It was tested on a network with twenty nodes, for five hours per day for twenty days. The system achieved a reliability rate of 100% for the highest and 47% for the lowest. This research work will be beneficial for testing the reliability of a networking system to ensure optimal functioning. Future research will focus on using mobile agents to diagnose faulty nodes on a network.

Keywords : Mobile Agent, System Reliability, Computer Network, JADE, Fault Detection.

Fault detection is an essential aspect of conducting fault diagnosis for computer networks. It comprises of two phases: fault detection and fault localization. The use of mobile agents for detecting faulty nodes on a network is a concept aimed at ensuring the proper functioning of networks. This research aims to design a fault detection framework for a network system using a mobile agent. Light Weight Agent (LWA) travels within the nodes to detect nodes that are down on the network and returns true or false along with other information as the status of each node visited. The system is designed using software agents. This subsystems of the system include the Agent Controller, Server Agent, Client Agent, Check Status and the database. The Agent Controller allocates and determines the agent functions using a unique identification number. The server agent controls the activities of the client agent by monitoring the migration of each of the probing agents to each node on the network. The system is implemented using the Java Application Development Environment (JADE) platform. It was tested on a network with twenty nodes, for five hours per day for twenty days. The system achieved a reliability rate of 100% for the highest and 47% for the lowest. This research work will be beneficial for testing the reliability of a networking system to ensure optimal functioning. Future research will focus on using mobile agents to diagnose faulty nodes on a network.

Keywords : Mobile Agent, System Reliability, Computer Network, JADE, Fault Detection.

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