Authors :
Godsgift Agboniyehimhen Ehebha; Olalekan Lawrence Adeyinka
Volume/Issue :
Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 7 - July
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Abstract :
This study investigated the effect of class size
on the academic performance of biology students in senior
secondary school in Lagos state. The major purpose of the
study was to find the impact of class size on the academic
performance of biology students. The study was a causal
comparative research design. The sample of the study
comprise of two hundred and ninety-five (295) selected
biology students and 4 biology teachers. The instruments
of data collection used for this study are second term
results of biology students from selected state-owned
schools in Lagos state and open-ended questionnaires
structured by the researchers. Face and content validity of
the instrument was carried out by giving a copy of the
instrument to 3 experts in the field of biology education.
This study had five (5) research questions and three (3)
research hypothesis. Descriptive statistics (the frequency
count and percentages method, mean, standard deviations)
was used to analyzed the research questions, while
independent sample t-test was used to test the research
hypothesis. From this study, it was discovered that large
class size has a negative effect on biology students’
academic performance, also findings from the study
revealed that large class size has no influence on gender
difference and that large class size has impact on the ability
Keywords :
Biology, Learning Outcomes, Class size, Achievemnets, Science
This study investigated the effect of class size
on the academic performance of biology students in senior
secondary school in Lagos state. The major purpose of the
study was to find the impact of class size on the academic
performance of biology students. The study was a causal
comparative research design. The sample of the study
comprise of two hundred and ninety-five (295) selected
biology students and 4 biology teachers. The instruments
of data collection used for this study are second term
results of biology students from selected state-owned
schools in Lagos state and open-ended questionnaires
structured by the researchers. Face and content validity of
the instrument was carried out by giving a copy of the
instrument to 3 experts in the field of biology education.
This study had five (5) research questions and three (3)
research hypothesis. Descriptive statistics (the frequency
count and percentages method, mean, standard deviations)
was used to analyzed the research questions, while
independent sample t-test was used to test the research
hypothesis. From this study, it was discovered that large
class size has a negative effect on biology students’
academic performance, also findings from the study
revealed that large class size has no influence on gender
difference and that large class size has impact on the ability
Keywords :
Biology, Learning Outcomes, Class size, Achievemnets, Science