Authors :
Ana-Maria Neculai; Timur Chis; Alina-Maria Gligor; Doru Bârsan
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December
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Abstract :
The production industry of para
pharmaceutical products (for beautification or non-
threatening treatment of some health problems) is based
on the practical experience and theoretical training of
pharmacists and biochemists. Starting as an alternative to
classic synthetic drugs, the manufacture of natural
ointments has gained a lot of momentum in Romania, not
requiring a complex authorization similar to the drug
industry. That is precisely why training courses in the use
of natural products in the beauty industry and the
manufacture of bio-natural products with applications in
beauty have been introduced within the framework of
universities of medicine and chemistry. The stages of
team formation necessary for learning in the PBL
(Project Base Learning) system are presented.
Keywords :
Biochemstry, Student Lectures, PBL, Control Strategies.
References :
- S.Ramachandran, S.Chen, F.Etzler “Rheological characterization of hydroxypropyl cellulose gels“. Drug Dev. Ind. Pharm., p. 153-161, 1999.
- SCCP “Scientific Commitee on Consumer Product, European Commission. Opinion on basic criteria for the in vitro assessment of dermal absorbtion of cosmetic ingredients“, (SCCP/0970/06), p. 1-14, 2006.
- N.Jaganath “Application of rheological techniques in the characterization of semisolids in the pharmaceutical industry“, Dissertation for magister scientiae in the Faculty of Health Sciences at the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, University of Port Elizabeth, 2004.
- A.M.Dumitrescu (Neculai), R.Sîrbu, A.C.Lepădatu, “Study of antimicrobial activity of vegetable alcoholic extracts obtained from Vinca Minor L. “, European Journal of Medicine and Natural Sciences [S.I.], Vol. 4 (3). ISSN 2601-6400, p. 66-73, 2020).
- D.Iancu, A.Maki , T.Chis, “Odorization of natural gas- a case study“, CHIMIA 2024, 30th of May – 1st of June 2024, Constanta, Romania, OVIDIUS UNIVERSITY PRESS, CONSTANȚA 2024 , ISSN 2360-3941, 2024.
- T.Chis, “Modelling the chemical and physical properties of oil blend“, 15 th International Scientific Conference, SGEM 2015, Varna, Bulgaria, 18-24 June 2015, Proceedings Conference ISSN 1314-2704 ,, DOI:10.5593/SGEM2015/B11/S6.102. Accessed: 6/12/2024.
The production industry of para
pharmaceutical products (for beautification or non-
threatening treatment of some health problems) is based
on the practical experience and theoretical training of
pharmacists and biochemists. Starting as an alternative to
classic synthetic drugs, the manufacture of natural
ointments has gained a lot of momentum in Romania, not
requiring a complex authorization similar to the drug
industry. That is precisely why training courses in the use
of natural products in the beauty industry and the
manufacture of bio-natural products with applications in
beauty have been introduced within the framework of
universities of medicine and chemistry. The stages of
team formation necessary for learning in the PBL
(Project Base Learning) system are presented.
Keywords :
Biochemstry, Student Lectures, PBL, Control Strategies.