A Proposed Hybrid Model for Intrusion Detection System using AI and PCA

Authors : Himadri Shekhar Giri

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 9 - September

Google Scholar : https://bit.ly/3IIfn9N

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3fwack6

DOI : https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7127268

Abstract : “A Proposed Hybrid Model For Intrusion Detection System Using AI and PCA” research is used in implementing the hybrid model in Intrusion detection system. As the dependency on cyber wold is increasing rapidly, the chance of data compromise is also increasing rapidly. It has two parts signature-based or pattern based detection and anomaly-based or ai based detection. In signature-based detection, the system works with security patches and known attacks. In the case of unknown data, signature-based detection is not a perfect method of detection. Anomaly-based intrusion detection system is nothing but the implementation of artificial intelligence, those are used to compare the accuracy of prediction. The main aim of the research is to find out the best accuracy along with the implementation of the Hybrid detection model. Data Analysis and Principal Component Analysis is the instinctive part of this research to comprehend the data sets properly. Along with the implementation of an Anomaly-based intrusion detection system, a hybrid model also has been proposed for the best way of intrusion detection. The hybrid model is a combined implementation of signature and anomalybased detection

Keywords : Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Intrusion detection system, cyber security, Principle Component Analysis.

“A Proposed Hybrid Model For Intrusion Detection System Using AI and PCA” research is used in implementing the hybrid model in Intrusion detection system. As the dependency on cyber wold is increasing rapidly, the chance of data compromise is also increasing rapidly. It has two parts signature-based or pattern based detection and anomaly-based or ai based detection. In signature-based detection, the system works with security patches and known attacks. In the case of unknown data, signature-based detection is not a perfect method of detection. Anomaly-based intrusion detection system is nothing but the implementation of artificial intelligence, those are used to compare the accuracy of prediction. The main aim of the research is to find out the best accuracy along with the implementation of the Hybrid detection model. Data Analysis and Principal Component Analysis is the instinctive part of this research to comprehend the data sets properly. Along with the implementation of an Anomaly-based intrusion detection system, a hybrid model also has been proposed for the best way of intrusion detection. The hybrid model is a combined implementation of signature and anomalybased detection

Keywords : Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Intrusion detection system, cyber security, Principle Component Analysis.

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