A Rare Case of Myopericytoma of the Base of Right Index Finger Managed with En Bloc Excision

Authors : Dr. Kingshuk Ganguly; Dr. Aakash Lengde; Dr. Ashwin Shetty

Volume/Issue : Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 1 - January

Google Scholar : https://bit.ly/3IIfn9N

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3XLprq3

DOI : https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7655938

Abstract : A rare case of myopericytoma at the base of right index finger managed with en bloc excision. Methodology: A 53 year old female presented with complains of right index finger pain and swelling since the last 4 years aggravated since the last 1 week. On examination , a swelling was noted over the base of the index finger with the plane being subcutaneous and tenderness noted over the swelling. No skin changes,scars or sinuses noted.Patient was evaluated and no bony involvement with mild elevation in erythrocyte sedimentation rate was noted and planned for en bloc excision of the mass. Result: En bloc excision of the mass measuring 1x0.7x0.5 cm was performed and sent for histopathological evaluation which revealed an encapsulated lesion showing spindle cells which are surrounding the blood vessels and a diagnosis of Myopericytoma was made. Patient achieved full range of motion of the index finger and complete resolution of pain following the procedure with good postoperative outcome. Conclusion: Myopericytomas are a recently described group of tumours that originate from the peri vascular myoid cells and are predominantly seen in distal part of extremities. It is a rare tumor and hence identification is of utmost importance and surgical excision yielded good postoperative outcome in our case.

A rare case of myopericytoma at the base of right index finger managed with en bloc excision. Methodology: A 53 year old female presented with complains of right index finger pain and swelling since the last 4 years aggravated since the last 1 week. On examination , a swelling was noted over the base of the index finger with the plane being subcutaneous and tenderness noted over the swelling. No skin changes,scars or sinuses noted.Patient was evaluated and no bony involvement with mild elevation in erythrocyte sedimentation rate was noted and planned for en bloc excision of the mass. Result: En bloc excision of the mass measuring 1x0.7x0.5 cm was performed and sent for histopathological evaluation which revealed an encapsulated lesion showing spindle cells which are surrounding the blood vessels and a diagnosis of Myopericytoma was made. Patient achieved full range of motion of the index finger and complete resolution of pain following the procedure with good postoperative outcome. Conclusion: Myopericytomas are a recently described group of tumours that originate from the peri vascular myoid cells and are predominantly seen in distal part of extremities. It is a rare tumor and hence identification is of utmost importance and surgical excision yielded good postoperative outcome in our case.

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