A Review of Clustering, its Types and Techniques

Authors : M. Jayaprabha, Dr.P. Felcy Judith.

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 6 - June

Google Scholar : https://goo.gl/DF9R4u

Scribd : https://goo.gl/6GLkf6

Thomson Reuters ResearcherID : https://goo.gl/3bkzwv

Abstract : Data Mining is a technique for organizing, analyzing and making decisions with raw data. Statistical data analysis plays a vital role in understanding and decision making. However analysis can be made using a technique called Clustering in data mining. Clustering is grouping or segregating a large data set into small groups for analysis. Clustering is used in various fields like image recognition, database management system, data analysis, augmented reality etc. This paper gives a review of the steps involved in converting a raw data into a knowledgeable data set, types of clustering and different stages involved in clustering. Also this paper involves a complete study of clustering with all the techniques and comparisons involved between different techniques. This study will be helpful for people to select a specific method and apply it for suitable environment.

Data Mining is a technique for organizing, analyzing and making decisions with raw data. Statistical data analysis plays a vital role in understanding and decision making. However analysis can be made using a technique called Clustering in data mining. Clustering is grouping or segregating a large data set into small groups for analysis. Clustering is used in various fields like image recognition, database management system, data analysis, augmented reality etc. This paper gives a review of the steps involved in converting a raw data into a knowledgeable data set, types of clustering and different stages involved in clustering. Also this paper involves a complete study of clustering with all the techniques and comparisons involved between different techniques. This study will be helpful for people to select a specific method and apply it for suitable environment.

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