A Review on Plant Based Proteins that can be Included in Diet

Authors : Nivetha.H; Dhanushya.P

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December

Google Scholar : https://tinyurl.com/4yw6zp9s

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14550805

Abstract : Dietary proteins fulfil all three functions of nutrition which is required for the growth, maintenance, and repair of bodily tissue; it regulates critical processes within the body; and any extra protein is used as an energy source.Plant-based diets, which here are considered to include both vegan and lacto-ovo- vegetarian diets, are becoming more popular for a variety of reasons, including environmental and public health concerns. Most of the plant based diets are more environmentally friendly than those based mostly on meat because they have a smaller environmental impact, including fewer greenhouse gas emissions.A plant- based (PB) diet has been linked to a lower incidence of type 2 diabetes, CVD and other cardiometabolic risk factors, several malignancies, and all-cause mortality.High in fibre and polyphenolics, plant-based diets are also linked to a diverse gut microbiota that produces compounds with anti-inflammatory properties that may aid in the management of disease processes. A variety of plant- based food products, including plant-based whole-eggs, plant-based beverages, and plant-based biscuits etc., are available on the market.

Keywords : Plant Based Diet, Protein, Plant Based Protein Diet, Eco Friendly Food, Meat Alternative, Vegetarian Diet.

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Dietary proteins fulfil all three functions of nutrition which is required for the growth, maintenance, and repair of bodily tissue; it regulates critical processes within the body; and any extra protein is used as an energy source.Plant-based diets, which here are considered to include both vegan and lacto-ovo- vegetarian diets, are becoming more popular for a variety of reasons, including environmental and public health concerns. Most of the plant based diets are more environmentally friendly than those based mostly on meat because they have a smaller environmental impact, including fewer greenhouse gas emissions.A plant- based (PB) diet has been linked to a lower incidence of type 2 diabetes, CVD and other cardiometabolic risk factors, several malignancies, and all-cause mortality.High in fibre and polyphenolics, plant-based diets are also linked to a diverse gut microbiota that produces compounds with anti-inflammatory properties that may aid in the management of disease processes. A variety of plant- based food products, including plant-based whole-eggs, plant-based beverages, and plant-based biscuits etc., are available on the market.

Keywords : Plant Based Diet, Protein, Plant Based Protein Diet, Eco Friendly Food, Meat Alternative, Vegetarian Diet.

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