A Study of the Effects of Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) in Thailand

Authors : Vikrom Ahuja

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 7 - July

Google Scholar : https://bit.ly/3IIfn9N

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3SrzRcK

DOI : https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6965424

Abstract : The purpose of this paper was to determine the effects of COVID-19 pandemic in Thailand. Specifically, the focus has been given to the economic and social impacts of the virus and associated restrictions. A mixed-methods design was adopted in this study employing both the qualitative and quantitative approaches. A mixture of KIIs and IDIs was utilized to collect the qualitative data from the respondents (n=20). A document review tool was also used to gather quantitative information from periodicals, journals, newspapers, and government reports (n=20). The concept of saturation controlled the number of respondents in this research. Both convenient and purposive sampling techniques were adopted in this study. Ethical considerations including informed consenting, privacy and confidentiality, as well as respect for persons were upheld at all times. The results showed that the COVID-19 pandemic in Thailand led to business closures, job losses, reduced government revenue, and increased inflation, among others. It was also noted that an upsurge in the rates of domestic violence, depression, and boredom was attributed the COVID-19 and related restrictions. It is also possible that the pandemic had some positive effects on other sectors like the ICT. It was recommended that the government should put aside some resources to cushion citizens from unprecedented occurrences and disasters like the COVID-19 pandemic.

Keywords : Coronavirus Disease, COVID-19 Restrictions, Economic Effects, Social Effects, Thailand

The purpose of this paper was to determine the effects of COVID-19 pandemic in Thailand. Specifically, the focus has been given to the economic and social impacts of the virus and associated restrictions. A mixed-methods design was adopted in this study employing both the qualitative and quantitative approaches. A mixture of KIIs and IDIs was utilized to collect the qualitative data from the respondents (n=20). A document review tool was also used to gather quantitative information from periodicals, journals, newspapers, and government reports (n=20). The concept of saturation controlled the number of respondents in this research. Both convenient and purposive sampling techniques were adopted in this study. Ethical considerations including informed consenting, privacy and confidentiality, as well as respect for persons were upheld at all times. The results showed that the COVID-19 pandemic in Thailand led to business closures, job losses, reduced government revenue, and increased inflation, among others. It was also noted that an upsurge in the rates of domestic violence, depression, and boredom was attributed the COVID-19 and related restrictions. It is also possible that the pandemic had some positive effects on other sectors like the ICT. It was recommended that the government should put aside some resources to cushion citizens from unprecedented occurrences and disasters like the COVID-19 pandemic.

Keywords : Coronavirus Disease, COVID-19 Restrictions, Economic Effects, Social Effects, Thailand

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