A Study on Cloud and Mobile Based Sugarcane Cultivation Software Application Developed by M/s Livecrop Solutions Private Limited

Authors : Philip, H; Naveen Kumar,M. R; Manjula,N

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 3 - March

Google Scholar : https://bit.ly/3IIfn9N

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3KHaHmm

DOI : https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6458374

Abstract : A study was conducted during February 2021, to assess the efficacy of cloud and mobile based software application (App) for sugarcane cultivation, considering randomly selected 63 farmers who were using the App under the trial order given by M/s Ponni Sugars, Erode, Tamil Nadu to M/s Livecrop Solutions Private Limited, Bangalore (App developers). The App was used by the farmers since January 2020 to the end of crop harvest. Findings of the study revealed that, vast majority of the App users have felt that, the advance intimation given to them on their mobiles, the customized production practices in a crop cycle was useful in implementing the recommended practices within the time frame specified for each of the practice. More than half of the App users adopted more than 80.00 per cent of the recommended practices and only negligible percentage (6.00 per cent) of users fell under less than 60.00 per cent adoption category. About 75.00 per cent of the App users expressed that their sugarcane yields will increase due to timely adoption of recommended practices. Recognizing the strengths of the App, 76.00 per cent of the users want to continue it in future crop seasons also and the Sugar factory willing to continuing it.

A study was conducted during February 2021, to assess the efficacy of cloud and mobile based software application (App) for sugarcane cultivation, considering randomly selected 63 farmers who were using the App under the trial order given by M/s Ponni Sugars, Erode, Tamil Nadu to M/s Livecrop Solutions Private Limited, Bangalore (App developers). The App was used by the farmers since January 2020 to the end of crop harvest. Findings of the study revealed that, vast majority of the App users have felt that, the advance intimation given to them on their mobiles, the customized production practices in a crop cycle was useful in implementing the recommended practices within the time frame specified for each of the practice. More than half of the App users adopted more than 80.00 per cent of the recommended practices and only negligible percentage (6.00 per cent) of users fell under less than 60.00 per cent adoption category. About 75.00 per cent of the App users expressed that their sugarcane yields will increase due to timely adoption of recommended practices. Recognizing the strengths of the App, 76.00 per cent of the users want to continue it in future crop seasons also and the Sugar factory willing to continuing it.

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