Authors :
S. Susidharan; Dr. Maradon Drison
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 9 - September
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Abstract :
In today’s business technology, banking is the
backbone of each business, and technology plays a
crucial role. The role of technology is dynamic speedily
day to day, which additionally promotes the bank and
monetary establishments. Bank is one of the very best
monetary establishments that often explore the use and
advantages of technology provided to customers through
a range of services. Green banking could be a service
that helps the client handle financial dealings or
operations with the assistance of a Green device. Green
devices include smartphones, tablets, etc. Green banking
introduces the utilization of smartphone or alternative
devices to control online banking transactions whereas
remote from your laptop, portable computer, or other
devices, like transferring cash from one account to a
different account, electricity bill payments, gas bill
payments, recharge Green, online looking, etc. Green
banking is service that is additional by a bank or
monetary establishments that enable to its customers to
control monetary or banking transactions by
victimization smartphone or tablets. Green banking is
accessible 24*7 for patrons for financial transactions.
The bank offered Green banking services to their
customers to extend a lot of customers and take
advantage of these services. Green banking is one of the
world’s growing and quickest Green technologies during
this paper analyzes the study of Green banking
awareness of customer’s perspective for Tiruvallur
Keywords :
Banking, Bank Technology, Green Banking, Monetary Institute.
References :
- Dr. M. Anbukarasi and Ms. N. Dheivanai (2017). An Analytical Study on Consumers’ Awareness Towards Green Fast Moving Consumer Goods in Coimbatore District, International Journal of Management Studies Vol-IV, Special Issue-4, November 2017
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- Manav Aggarwal, A study on the importance of Green Banking, Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol. 4, Issue no.5.
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- Meenakshi Handa, Green Marketing: Drivers and Challenges, cognizance ITA e-Magazine, Oct-Dec, 2006, Vol. 2, Issue 11.
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- Riya Gupta (2023), “A Study on Green Banking Initiatives in India: Customer Perception towards Sustainability”, Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, 1528-2678-27-S2-005, Volume 27, Special Issue 2, 2023, Pp. 1-9.
- S.H.H Kazmi – Marketing management, text and cases, Anurag Jain,2010.
In today’s business technology, banking is the
backbone of each business, and technology plays a
crucial role. The role of technology is dynamic speedily
day to day, which additionally promotes the bank and
monetary establishments. Bank is one of the very best
monetary establishments that often explore the use and
advantages of technology provided to customers through
a range of services. Green banking could be a service
that helps the client handle financial dealings or
operations with the assistance of a Green device. Green
devices include smartphones, tablets, etc. Green banking
introduces the utilization of smartphone or alternative
devices to control online banking transactions whereas
remote from your laptop, portable computer, or other
devices, like transferring cash from one account to a
different account, electricity bill payments, gas bill
payments, recharge Green, online looking, etc. Green
banking is service that is additional by a bank or
monetary establishments that enable to its customers to
control monetary or banking transactions by
victimization smartphone or tablets. Green banking is
accessible 24*7 for patrons for financial transactions.
The bank offered Green banking services to their
customers to extend a lot of customers and take
advantage of these services. Green banking is one of the
world’s growing and quickest Green technologies during
this paper analyzes the study of Green banking
awareness of customer’s perspective for Tiruvallur
Keywords :
Banking, Bank Technology, Green Banking, Monetary Institute.