Authors :
Rajashekhargouda Hiregoudar; Dileep S. Natekar; Chaitra; Varsha; Iranna; Bhagirathi; Sunilgouda; Sahil; Heena Kousar
Volume/Issue :
Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 2 - February
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Abstract :
Now a Days the major problems in India, especially
more in rural areas. In rural areas mosquito borne
disease are more due to unhygienic practices. So, the
rural people of all the age group are at risk to acquire
mosquito borne diseases. During rainy season Mosquito
breed in stagnant water. Water storage, containers for
drinking, washing, bathing, are the primary source of
larval according for 90% of the total breeding place.
Important breeding place of mosquitoes is in slums, and
open drainage, waste disposal. The people living in the
hereby area are easily become the victims of vectorborne disease. Recurrent outbreak of mosquito borne
disease are malaria dengue fever, chikungunya and
filariasis. These are major diseases which can be
transmitted by mosquitoes.
Mosquitoes are the vectors which carries virus and
parasite causing disease from person to person without
costing the disease for themselves. Mosquitoes suck the
blood from people and other animals as part of their
eating and breeding habits. When mosquitoes bite they
also inject saliva and anticoagulants in to the blood.
To asses the factors associated with mosquito born
diseases among rural people.
To evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching
program regarding prevention of mosquito borne
To find out the association between knowledge of
rural people regarding prevention of mosquito borne
diseases with selected socio demographic variables.
Keywords :
Rural People, Prevention of Mosquito Borne Diseases, Structured Teaching Program.
Now a Days the major problems in India, especially
more in rural areas. In rural areas mosquito borne
disease are more due to unhygienic practices. So, the
rural people of all the age group are at risk to acquire
mosquito borne diseases. During rainy season Mosquito
breed in stagnant water. Water storage, containers for
drinking, washing, bathing, are the primary source of
larval according for 90% of the total breeding place.
Important breeding place of mosquitoes is in slums, and
open drainage, waste disposal. The people living in the
hereby area are easily become the victims of vectorborne disease. Recurrent outbreak of mosquito borne
disease are malaria dengue fever, chikungunya and
filariasis. These are major diseases which can be
transmitted by mosquitoes.
Mosquitoes are the vectors which carries virus and
parasite causing disease from person to person without
costing the disease for themselves. Mosquitoes suck the
blood from people and other animals as part of their
eating and breeding habits. When mosquitoes bite they
also inject saliva and anticoagulants in to the blood.
To asses the factors associated with mosquito born
diseases among rural people.
To evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching
program regarding prevention of mosquito borne
To find out the association between knowledge of
rural people regarding prevention of mosquito borne
diseases with selected socio demographic variables.
Keywords :
Rural People, Prevention of Mosquito Borne Diseases, Structured Teaching Program.