A Survey of Ciliates (Ciliophora, Chromista) from Groundwater in Mansoura, Egypt

Authors : Ahmed E. Hagras, Sayed A. El-Tantawy, Ahmed M. El- Naggar, Engy A. Abo El-makarm.

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 4 - April

Google Scholar : https://goo.gl/DF9R4u

Scribd : https://bit.ly/2XfR785

Abstract : An analysis of the physicochemical parameters was carried out, and a survey has been made of the ciliates communities in groundwater pumped from a domestic well in Sandoub locality, Mansoura, Egypt during the period from August 2016 to July 2017. Members of Litostomatea dominated the ciliates community, followed by Phyllopharyngea, then Oligohymenophorea and Spirotrichea. Each ciliate species preferred a particular season, but was not encountered in other seasons. The number of each ciliate was obviously low and did not exceed two individuals/ one mm3 groundwater. Analysis of the physicochemical features of water indicated that this groundwater source is safe and slightly alkaline; however persistent pathogenic organisms should be eliminated by proper treatment methods.

Keywords : Egypt, Mansoura, Physicochemical Factors, Groundwater, Ciliates.

An analysis of the physicochemical parameters was carried out, and a survey has been made of the ciliates communities in groundwater pumped from a domestic well in Sandoub locality, Mansoura, Egypt during the period from August 2016 to July 2017. Members of Litostomatea dominated the ciliates community, followed by Phyllopharyngea, then Oligohymenophorea and Spirotrichea. Each ciliate species preferred a particular season, but was not encountered in other seasons. The number of each ciliate was obviously low and did not exceed two individuals/ one mm3 groundwater. Analysis of the physicochemical features of water indicated that this groundwater source is safe and slightly alkaline; however persistent pathogenic organisms should be eliminated by proper treatment methods.

Keywords : Egypt, Mansoura, Physicochemical Factors, Groundwater, Ciliates.

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