A Survey of Quality Assurance Application in Technology Enhanced Learning

Authors : Bill Vassiliadis; Antonia Stefani

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 2 - February

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/gu88

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3Cf30QM

DOI : https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6330435

Abstract : This paper summarises the State of the Art of Technology Enhanced Learning Quality standards applied in Higher Education Institutions in Kazakhstan. It is a synthesis obtained from data collected from the European and Kazakh Universities involved in the KUTEL project. This data was gathered at an institutional and national level to understand the current situation and formulate a Quality Assurance framework on TEL. To this end, this research presents data that correspond to the real needs and quality gaps of Kazakh universities and a combined qualitative and quantitative analysis.

Keywords : Quality Assurance; Technology Assisted Learning; National Survey.

This paper summarises the State of the Art of Technology Enhanced Learning Quality standards applied in Higher Education Institutions in Kazakhstan. It is a synthesis obtained from data collected from the European and Kazakh Universities involved in the KUTEL project. This data was gathered at an institutional and national level to understand the current situation and formulate a Quality Assurance framework on TEL. To this end, this research presents data that correspond to the real needs and quality gaps of Kazakh universities and a combined qualitative and quantitative analysis.

Keywords : Quality Assurance; Technology Assisted Learning; National Survey.

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