Accessibility, Usability and Satisfaction of Library Users in the Hybrid Resources and Services of Academic Libraries in the Province of Albay


Volume/Issue : Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 5 - May

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Abstract : This study determines the Accessibility, usability and satisfaction of library users in the hybrid resources and services of academic libraries in Albay province. The methodology used in this research was descriptive-correlational technique. As result in conducting the study the findings were as follows: 1. the level of accessibility of academic libraries in the Province of Albay was high with an average weighted mean of 3.27 accessible in terms of hybrid resources and services. 2. The level of usability for hybrid Resources and Services are both high with the weighted mean of 3.21. 3. The level of satisfaction of library users was high with an average weighted mean of 3.25., 4.There is a significant relationship between the level of accessibility and level of usability since the p value of 0.000 was lower than the level of significance at 0.01., 5. There is a significant relationship between the level of usability and satisfaction in the hybrid resources and services since the p value of 0.000 was lower than the level of significance at 0.01., 6.There is a significant relationship between the level of accessibility and satisfaction of the academic libraries in the province of Albay since the p value of 0.000 was lower than the level of significance at 0.01., 7. An action plan is designed to implicate in the result based on the findings of the study. The researcher has concluded after the result on the findings: 1. The library users are more often of accessing the hybrid resources than accessing its hybrid services. 2. The library users seldom utilize the hybrid services offered by the academic libraries. 3. Despite the low percentage in the accessibility and usability of hybrid resources, the library users still access and utilize both hybrid resources and services of academic libraries which lead to generate a highly satisfied level for satisfaction. 4. The higher the level of accessibility in academic libraries, the higher the level of usability of hybrid resources. 5. The higher level of accessibility of academic libraries, the higher level of usability of hybrid services. 6. The higher the level of accessibility and usability of the hybrid resources and services, the higher satisfaction will be rated from the library users. 7. An action plan is a tool in improving for the weak percentage on the hybrid library resources and services indicated for the accessibility and usability of users in the academic libraries of the Province of Albay

This study determines the Accessibility, usability and satisfaction of library users in the hybrid resources and services of academic libraries in Albay province. The methodology used in this research was descriptive-correlational technique. As result in conducting the study the findings were as follows: 1. the level of accessibility of academic libraries in the Province of Albay was high with an average weighted mean of 3.27 accessible in terms of hybrid resources and services. 2. The level of usability for hybrid Resources and Services are both high with the weighted mean of 3.21. 3. The level of satisfaction of library users was high with an average weighted mean of 3.25., 4.There is a significant relationship between the level of accessibility and level of usability since the p value of 0.000 was lower than the level of significance at 0.01., 5. There is a significant relationship between the level of usability and satisfaction in the hybrid resources and services since the p value of 0.000 was lower than the level of significance at 0.01., 6.There is a significant relationship between the level of accessibility and satisfaction of the academic libraries in the province of Albay since the p value of 0.000 was lower than the level of significance at 0.01., 7. An action plan is designed to implicate in the result based on the findings of the study. The researcher has concluded after the result on the findings: 1. The library users are more often of accessing the hybrid resources than accessing its hybrid services. 2. The library users seldom utilize the hybrid services offered by the academic libraries. 3. Despite the low percentage in the accessibility and usability of hybrid resources, the library users still access and utilize both hybrid resources and services of academic libraries which lead to generate a highly satisfied level for satisfaction. 4. The higher the level of accessibility in academic libraries, the higher the level of usability of hybrid resources. 5. The higher level of accessibility of academic libraries, the higher level of usability of hybrid services. 6. The higher the level of accessibility and usability of the hybrid resources and services, the higher satisfaction will be rated from the library users. 7. An action plan is a tool in improving for the weak percentage on the hybrid library resources and services indicated for the accessibility and usability of users in the academic libraries of the Province of Albay

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