Acute Toxicity Study of Malli Chooranam a Siddha Formulation

Authors : Renuga A; Sushil kumar P N; Geetha A

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 9 - September

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Abstract : Chooranam is a powdered form of herbal drugs and filtered by using the fine cloth which is called as Vasthirakaayam. Mallichooranam (MC) is one among them used to remove kabha diseases. This chooranam contains 10 ingredients all have phytochemicals which cure diseases. This formulation is indicated for Thondaipun, Thondaikammal, the Siddha Classical text book Shikicha RatnaDeepam. Preclinical and safety monitoring was essential for standardization and global acceptance of this drug . For acute toxicity study, Swiss Albino Mice was used and it was exposed to ten times the suggested therapeutic dose of test compound once and the period of the study will be fourteen days as per OECD guideline 423. Totally 20 animals were used, each group contain 10 animals which include 5 male and 5 female. MC was suspended in aqueous Tween 80 solution (30%), with uniform mixing and it was provided to the test groups in a single dose through oral route. It was observed that MC at the dosage of 54mg/animal does not cause any death in the study subjects. Behavioural changes were not known for the first 4 hours and for the next 24 hours and for entire duration of study of 14 days. In course of the study, weight of test groups were not diminished. In the initial time and after the completion of the study reflexes were found to be normal as well as all other observations were found to be normal. In Necropsy, the internal organs of respiratory system, digestive system, reproductive system of the test groups all appeared normal.

Keywords : Malli Chooranam, Siddha Formulation, Acute Toxicity Study, Kabha Diseases.

Chooranam is a powdered form of herbal drugs and filtered by using the fine cloth which is called as Vasthirakaayam. Mallichooranam (MC) is one among them used to remove kabha diseases. This chooranam contains 10 ingredients all have phytochemicals which cure diseases. This formulation is indicated for Thondaipun, Thondaikammal, the Siddha Classical text book Shikicha RatnaDeepam. Preclinical and safety monitoring was essential for standardization and global acceptance of this drug . For acute toxicity study, Swiss Albino Mice was used and it was exposed to ten times the suggested therapeutic dose of test compound once and the period of the study will be fourteen days as per OECD guideline 423. Totally 20 animals were used, each group contain 10 animals which include 5 male and 5 female. MC was suspended in aqueous Tween 80 solution (30%), with uniform mixing and it was provided to the test groups in a single dose through oral route. It was observed that MC at the dosage of 54mg/animal does not cause any death in the study subjects. Behavioural changes were not known for the first 4 hours and for the next 24 hours and for entire duration of study of 14 days. In course of the study, weight of test groups were not diminished. In the initial time and after the completion of the study reflexes were found to be normal as well as all other observations were found to be normal. In Necropsy, the internal organs of respiratory system, digestive system, reproductive system of the test groups all appeared normal.

Keywords : Malli Chooranam, Siddha Formulation, Acute Toxicity Study, Kabha Diseases.

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