Authors :
Juna Devi Pun; Ramchandra Baral
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December
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Abstract :
The Rishi-Krishi approach, a combination of
ancient Vedic principles and modern organic methods, is
gaining popularity among farmers in Nepal's Aadhikhola.
This study investigates the implementation and effects of
Rishi-Krishi principles alongside contemporary organic
techniques, using a mixed-methods approach. The
research aims to assess how these practices contribute to
sustainable agricultural development, improve farmers'
well-being, and have broader implications for community
health, aligning with the "One Health" initiative. The
paper has used mixed-methods research, including
interviews and secondary data from ASK Nepal to
measure the relationship between cultural beliefs, health
consciousness, and sustainable agricultural practices,
revealing ecological, cultural, and health dimensions. The
study highlights the positive impact of organic farming on
soil fertility, animal health, and human well-being, but also
highlights challenges such as limited access to certified
markets, insufficient cold storage facilities, and
transportation difficulties that hinder farmers' full
potential. Addressing challenges is crucial for sustainable
agricultural practices and community health
improvement, with future efforts focusing on improving
market access and infrastructure.
Keywords :
Rishi-Krishi, Holistic Health, One Health, 'Cultivating Harmony and Harvesting Health'
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The Rishi-Krishi approach, a combination of
ancient Vedic principles and modern organic methods, is
gaining popularity among farmers in Nepal's Aadhikhola.
This study investigates the implementation and effects of
Rishi-Krishi principles alongside contemporary organic
techniques, using a mixed-methods approach. The
research aims to assess how these practices contribute to
sustainable agricultural development, improve farmers'
well-being, and have broader implications for community
health, aligning with the "One Health" initiative. The
paper has used mixed-methods research, including
interviews and secondary data from ASK Nepal to
measure the relationship between cultural beliefs, health
consciousness, and sustainable agricultural practices,
revealing ecological, cultural, and health dimensions. The
study highlights the positive impact of organic farming on
soil fertility, animal health, and human well-being, but also
highlights challenges such as limited access to certified
markets, insufficient cold storage facilities, and
transportation difficulties that hinder farmers' full
potential. Addressing challenges is crucial for sustainable
agricultural practices and community health
improvement, with future efforts focusing on improving
market access and infrastructure.
Keywords :
Rishi-Krishi, Holistic Health, One Health, 'Cultivating Harmony and Harvesting Health'