Authors :
Dr. Dipak Kumar Bose, Dr. Om Prakash Maurya, Dr. A.K.Rai
Volume/Issue :
Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 9 - September
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Abstract :
The present investigation was conducted in
Jasra block of Prayagraj district, Uttar Pradesh. One
hundred twenty respondents were selected randomly
from six villages which were selected purposively. The
primary data were gathered by the researcher himself
through pre structure interview schedule. Appropriate
statistical tools were used to interpret the collected data
to draw logical conclusion. The finding inferred that
majority of farmers were having medium level of
adoption of recommended production practices of wheat
crop. Age, annual income and Education were observed
positive and significant correlation with their adoption
Keywords :
Adoption, Production Practices, Wheat.
The present investigation was conducted in
Jasra block of Prayagraj district, Uttar Pradesh. One
hundred twenty respondents were selected randomly
from six villages which were selected purposively. The
primary data were gathered by the researcher himself
through pre structure interview schedule. Appropriate
statistical tools were used to interpret the collected data
to draw logical conclusion. The finding inferred that
majority of farmers were having medium level of
adoption of recommended production practices of wheat
crop. Age, annual income and Education were observed
positive and significant correlation with their adoption
Keywords :
Adoption, Production Practices, Wheat.