Advancing Knowledge Management Strategies for Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in Africa


Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 2 - February

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Abstract : Knowledge takes center stage in Sustainable Development. It is resource prime option for any citizen, organization or company, public body, government and finally the United Nations in achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Knowledge Management is intended to support SDGs by offering an integrated information framework issues that directly affect SDGs achievement. This provides a view of the social and economic meaning of knowledge in which it is possible to harness the transformative understanding for the creation of inclusive, pluralistic information societies. Using desk reviews of relevant literature, the paper identifies ways of advancing Knowledge Management strategies for achieving the sustainable development goals in Africa along three main objectives. In order to achieve the SDGs by 2030 with the required evidence in Africa, the papers suggest that policy makers at all levels need to consider capacity building in Knowledge Management, institutionalizing Knowledge Management products as well as implementing Knowledge Management products in alignment with the sustainable development goals.

Knowledge takes center stage in Sustainable Development. It is resource prime option for any citizen, organization or company, public body, government and finally the United Nations in achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Knowledge Management is intended to support SDGs by offering an integrated information framework issues that directly affect SDGs achievement. This provides a view of the social and economic meaning of knowledge in which it is possible to harness the transformative understanding for the creation of inclusive, pluralistic information societies. Using desk reviews of relevant literature, the paper identifies ways of advancing Knowledge Management strategies for achieving the sustainable development goals in Africa along three main objectives. In order to achieve the SDGs by 2030 with the required evidence in Africa, the papers suggest that policy makers at all levels need to consider capacity building in Knowledge Management, institutionalizing Knowledge Management products as well as implementing Knowledge Management products in alignment with the sustainable development goals.

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