Authors :
Sakshi Rajendra Kamble; Lokesh Vyas; Abhishek Kumar Sen; Dr. Sonali Uppalwar
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December
Google Scholar :
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Abstract :
Aegle marmelos (L.) Corr. Serr, commonly known as
the wood apple plant, is a medicinal plant belonging to the
Rutaceae family. It has been used in traditional medicine
for centuries, particularly in Ayurveda, Unani, and
Siddha systems, to treat various diseases. Recent advances
in scientific techniques have led to the isolation and
pharmacological analysis of bioactive compounds from
different parts of the plant.
This study aims to evaluate the medicinal efficacy of
Aegle marmelos extracts across various health conditions,
focusing on its pharmacological activities and potential
therapeutic applications.
A comprehensive review of existing literature was
conducted to gather information on the morphology,
distribution, phytochemistry, traditional uses, and
biological activities of Aegle marmelos. Various scientific
databases, including PubMed, Scopus, and Web of
Science, were searched using keywords such as “Aegle
marmelos,” “phytochemistry,” “traditional medicine,”
and “biological activities.”
This review can be related to the biological activities
of isolated chemicals from A. Marmelos that are being
studied utilizing extracts. According to the findings of this
study, A. Marmelos holds great promise for the treatment
and prevention of a variety of illnesses, such as cancer,
infectious diseases, and diabetic problems. These
evaluations cover a wide range of issues, including
spermatogenic, analgesic and antipyretic, inflammatory,
antiulcer, and malaria treatment medications.
Aegle marmelos is a valuable medicinal plant with a
rich history of traditional use and scientifically validated
biological activities. Its bioactive compounds offer
potential therapeutic applications, warranting further
research and development of pharmaceutical
formulations and nutraceutical products.
Keywords :
Aegle Marmelos, Phytochemistry, Traditional Medicine and Biological Activities.
References :
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Aegle marmelos (L.) Corr. Serr, commonly known as
the wood apple plant, is a medicinal plant belonging to the
Rutaceae family. It has been used in traditional medicine
for centuries, particularly in Ayurveda, Unani, and
Siddha systems, to treat various diseases. Recent advances
in scientific techniques have led to the isolation and
pharmacological analysis of bioactive compounds from
different parts of the plant.
This study aims to evaluate the medicinal efficacy of
Aegle marmelos extracts across various health conditions,
focusing on its pharmacological activities and potential
therapeutic applications.
A comprehensive review of existing literature was
conducted to gather information on the morphology,
distribution, phytochemistry, traditional uses, and
biological activities of Aegle marmelos. Various scientific
databases, including PubMed, Scopus, and Web of
Science, were searched using keywords such as “Aegle
marmelos,” “phytochemistry,” “traditional medicine,”
and “biological activities.”
This review can be related to the biological activities
of isolated chemicals from A. Marmelos that are being
studied utilizing extracts. According to the findings of this
study, A. Marmelos holds great promise for the treatment
and prevention of a variety of illnesses, such as cancer,
infectious diseases, and diabetic problems. These
evaluations cover a wide range of issues, including
spermatogenic, analgesic and antipyretic, inflammatory,
antiulcer, and malaria treatment medications.
Aegle marmelos is a valuable medicinal plant with a
rich history of traditional use and scientifically validated
biological activities. Its bioactive compounds offer
potential therapeutic applications, warranting further
research and development of pharmaceutical
formulations and nutraceutical products.
Keywords :
Aegle Marmelos, Phytochemistry, Traditional Medicine and Biological Activities.