Age And Food Preferences in Breast Cancer Patients Before Undergoing Chemotherapy Treatment in Nigeria


Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 7 - July

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Abstract : Breast cancer is one of the terminal ailments which occur mostly in women at any stage after puberty in every country with increasing rate in later life. The aim of the study is to assess the age and food preference before undergoing chemotherapy treatment in Nigeria. The study was longitudinal which focused on information on socioeconomic variables in order to obtain the age of the respondent and food preferences before chemotherapy treatment (cases and control). The results were analyzed and presented using descriptive statistics, cases and control respondents were compared using multivariate analysis. The results revealed there was no significant difference in the age of cases and control. The cases group consumed higher mean of 3 meals per day than the control group, while higher percentage of cases reported food preferences before treatment than the control group. But there was no significant difference in food preferences between the two groups before treatment (p = 0.50). This study demonstrates that food preferences may be related to the underlying diseases. When favorite foods no longer taste pleasing, patients may decrease food intake altogether, leading to subsequent weight loss. Chemotherapy treatment had been used in managing breast cancer and adequate nutrition is necessary to minimize nutritional deficiencies before the treatment is applied.

Breast cancer is one of the terminal ailments which occur mostly in women at any stage after puberty in every country with increasing rate in later life. The aim of the study is to assess the age and food preference before undergoing chemotherapy treatment in Nigeria. The study was longitudinal which focused on information on socioeconomic variables in order to obtain the age of the respondent and food preferences before chemotherapy treatment (cases and control). The results were analyzed and presented using descriptive statistics, cases and control respondents were compared using multivariate analysis. The results revealed there was no significant difference in the age of cases and control. The cases group consumed higher mean of 3 meals per day than the control group, while higher percentage of cases reported food preferences before treatment than the control group. But there was no significant difference in food preferences between the two groups before treatment (p = 0.50). This study demonstrates that food preferences may be related to the underlying diseases. When favorite foods no longer taste pleasing, patients may decrease food intake altogether, leading to subsequent weight loss. Chemotherapy treatment had been used in managing breast cancer and adequate nutrition is necessary to minimize nutritional deficiencies before the treatment is applied.

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