Algorithmic Model for Strategic Political and Economic Integration in Nigeria

Authors : Abah O. Kaspa

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December

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Abstract : This paper explores the theoretical importance and practical applications of using algorithmic methodologies in Nigeria's socio-economic system. Through an interdisciplinary lens, this paper offers insights into the transformative potential of algorithmic interventions in addressing Nigeria's developmental requirements. Nigeria's political and economic landscape presents a complex web of challenges that impede its development trajectory. This paper suggests the integration of algorithmic approaches as a strategic framework to align Nigeria's political and economic systems. By leveraging algorithms, Nigeria can enhance governance, foster transparency, and optimize resource allocation.

Keywords : Economic Development, Political Integration, Transparency, Governance, and Algorithm; Nigeria.

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This paper explores the theoretical importance and practical applications of using algorithmic methodologies in Nigeria's socio-economic system. Through an interdisciplinary lens, this paper offers insights into the transformative potential of algorithmic interventions in addressing Nigeria's developmental requirements. Nigeria's political and economic landscape presents a complex web of challenges that impede its development trajectory. This paper suggests the integration of algorithmic approaches as a strategic framework to align Nigeria's political and economic systems. By leveraging algorithms, Nigeria can enhance governance, foster transparency, and optimize resource allocation.

Keywords : Economic Development, Political Integration, Transparency, Governance, and Algorithm; Nigeria.

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