An Action Research Study on Employees’ Perceptions on Performance Appraisal System in Relation to Employee Morale and Employee Goal Achievement of Chan Hein Group of Company

Authors : Khin Swe Oo; LeeHsing Lu

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 8 - August

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Abstract : The main purpose of the study is to investigate the extent of Performance Appraisal System aligned with Employee’s attitude and performance of Chan Hein Group of Company. To be more specific, the study examined the Performance Appraisal System of Chan Hein Group of Company and to seek out Employee’s Perception on Performance Appraisal System, and how those related to Employee Morale and Employee Goal Achievement through intervention of HRM Functions. Descriptive methods and linear regression analysis model are used in this research. In order to achieve the research goals, both primary data and secondary data are recorded. Primary data is collected by survey questionnaire through 50 samples which were selected by using stratified selection method and the researcher conducted in depth interviews with seven interviewees which included two human resource and admin managers and five of other department managers. Secondary data is collected from company reports, research papers, text books, and internet websites. The survey questionnaires were recorded with operational level of management staffs from Chan Hein Group of Company and the main findings/results of the survey on the key variables, i.e. the employee perception on Performance Appraisal System is proved statistically significant impact to both Employee’s Morale and Employee’s Goal Achievement after the intervention of HRM Functions

Keywords : Performance Appraisal System, Employee Morale, Employee Goal Achievement, Human Resources Management Functions

The main purpose of the study is to investigate the extent of Performance Appraisal System aligned with Employee’s attitude and performance of Chan Hein Group of Company. To be more specific, the study examined the Performance Appraisal System of Chan Hein Group of Company and to seek out Employee’s Perception on Performance Appraisal System, and how those related to Employee Morale and Employee Goal Achievement through intervention of HRM Functions. Descriptive methods and linear regression analysis model are used in this research. In order to achieve the research goals, both primary data and secondary data are recorded. Primary data is collected by survey questionnaire through 50 samples which were selected by using stratified selection method and the researcher conducted in depth interviews with seven interviewees which included two human resource and admin managers and five of other department managers. Secondary data is collected from company reports, research papers, text books, and internet websites. The survey questionnaires were recorded with operational level of management staffs from Chan Hein Group of Company and the main findings/results of the survey on the key variables, i.e. the employee perception on Performance Appraisal System is proved statistically significant impact to both Employee’s Morale and Employee’s Goal Achievement after the intervention of HRM Functions

Keywords : Performance Appraisal System, Employee Morale, Employee Goal Achievement, Human Resources Management Functions

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