An Analysis of the Current Status and Challenges of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Initiatives in Multinational Organizations, Focusing on Various Dimensions and Attributes Beyond Gender and Race

Authors : Manjima Mathur; Anshumali Pandey

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December

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Abstract : Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion or DEI has emerged as a critical prescription for any organization, which is attempting to forge a more diverse and inclusive future. DEI efforts have recently received a lot of attention in multinational organizations; however, there are issues arising from the implementation of DEI programs, and this research paper aims to establish the current status of DEI efforts, the dimensions of DEI, and the challenges affecting the implementation of DEI. The development of the analysis is based on the literature review where the authors pay attention to the fact that DEI initiatives concern not only numerous aspects beyond gender and race, but are also closely connected with various attributes. Importantly, the paper focuses on leadership involvement in implementing change and the need to promote DEI in organizational culture and practice. The study recommendations indicate that much has been achieved, but a lot needs to be done in order to ensure that organizations embrace and empower diversity to create equitable workplaces for employees.

Keywords : HRM, DEI, Business, Policies, Inclusion, Learning, Development,

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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion or DEI has emerged as a critical prescription for any organization, which is attempting to forge a more diverse and inclusive future. DEI efforts have recently received a lot of attention in multinational organizations; however, there are issues arising from the implementation of DEI programs, and this research paper aims to establish the current status of DEI efforts, the dimensions of DEI, and the challenges affecting the implementation of DEI. The development of the analysis is based on the literature review where the authors pay attention to the fact that DEI initiatives concern not only numerous aspects beyond gender and race, but are also closely connected with various attributes. Importantly, the paper focuses on leadership involvement in implementing change and the need to promote DEI in organizational culture and practice. The study recommendations indicate that much has been achieved, but a lot needs to be done in order to ensure that organizations embrace and empower diversity to create equitable workplaces for employees.

Keywords : HRM, DEI, Business, Policies, Inclusion, Learning, Development,

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