An Ecommerce Platform and Decision Support for Plants with Comprehensive Information

Authors : Anna Fay A. Edulsa, John Benedict L. Bernardo, Precious Mae R. Compo

Volume/Issue : Volume 2 - 2017, Issue 5 - May

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Abstract : Electronic Commerce site consist of purchasing and selling products which is intended to benefit both gardeners and users. This platform aims to help the local gardeners in selling their plants through online and to provide a more convenient and more reliable way for users to find, view and buy the desired plants that are suitable for their necessity, the customers can also get description and details from the product online. The site also featured an auto suggest engine which the user might use in searching the plants if ever they don’t really have an idea on how and what to grow. Problems found that most gardeners had a hard time in selling their plants, in reaching their customer and the insufficient specification on plants and trees that the possible buyer might experience. The researchers conduct a usability test on five (5) end-users and five (5)) IT Professionals a total of ten(10) respondents to gather information on their experience. During the test, the researchers also provided a scenario wherein the respondents act as a buyer who needed to use the auto suggest feature and conduct the whole process of checking out the product. The result has shown that majority of the respondents have agreed that the Auto Suggest really do help them decide which plant to choose and their overall experience was pleasant and intuitive enough that this platform makes it a userfriendly.

Keywords : Electronic Commerce, Platform, Auto Suggest.

Electronic Commerce site consist of purchasing and selling products which is intended to benefit both gardeners and users. This platform aims to help the local gardeners in selling their plants through online and to provide a more convenient and more reliable way for users to find, view and buy the desired plants that are suitable for their necessity, the customers can also get description and details from the product online. The site also featured an auto suggest engine which the user might use in searching the plants if ever they don’t really have an idea on how and what to grow. Problems found that most gardeners had a hard time in selling their plants, in reaching their customer and the insufficient specification on plants and trees that the possible buyer might experience. The researchers conduct a usability test on five (5) end-users and five (5)) IT Professionals a total of ten(10) respondents to gather information on their experience. During the test, the researchers also provided a scenario wherein the respondents act as a buyer who needed to use the auto suggest feature and conduct the whole process of checking out the product. The result has shown that majority of the respondents have agreed that the Auto Suggest really do help them decide which plant to choose and their overall experience was pleasant and intuitive enough that this platform makes it a userfriendly.

Keywords : Electronic Commerce, Platform, Auto Suggest.

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