Authors :
Kiyung, Victor MOMAH; Pr Sara Horton-Deutsch; Dr Sah Tatsing Félix Désiré
Volume/Issue :
Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 12 - December
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Abstract :
Nurses have the as duty to care for children
especially those who are to be operated. Children living
with tetralogy of Fallot, TOF, fall within this group of
people as the key approach to it management is geared
towards surgical correction. Therefore, postoperatively,
the children need special care and one of them is just by
being there so as to carry out the required therapeutic
observations like hemodynamic monitoring, arterial blood
gases evaluations, medication controls, and others as
detected by the heart monitor or ventilator. The study was
aimed at identifying the specific caring behaviors shown
by the nurses towards children with a surgically corrected
tetralogy of Fallot from their virtue of being fully present
at the bedside of the child. This was a quantitative
descriptive study in which data was collected from 303
nurses using a convenient sampling technique through
questionnaires. Data was analyzed using statistical
package for social science, SPSS, version, 25. This results
showed that by being with the child who has undergone
TOF repair, nurses demonstrated caring behaviors that
gratified biophysical, safety and security, and psychosocial
health problems of the children.
Keywords :
Being, Caring behaviors, Tetralogy of Fallot.
Nurses have the as duty to care for children
especially those who are to be operated. Children living
with tetralogy of Fallot, TOF, fall within this group of
people as the key approach to it management is geared
towards surgical correction. Therefore, postoperatively,
the children need special care and one of them is just by
being there so as to carry out the required therapeutic
observations like hemodynamic monitoring, arterial blood
gases evaluations, medication controls, and others as
detected by the heart monitor or ventilator. The study was
aimed at identifying the specific caring behaviors shown
by the nurses towards children with a surgically corrected
tetralogy of Fallot from their virtue of being fully present
at the bedside of the child. This was a quantitative
descriptive study in which data was collected from 303
nurses using a convenient sampling technique through
questionnaires. Data was analyzed using statistical
package for social science, SPSS, version, 25. This results
showed that by being with the child who has undergone
TOF repair, nurses demonstrated caring behaviors that
gratified biophysical, safety and security, and psychosocial
health problems of the children.
Keywords :
Being, Caring behaviors, Tetralogy of Fallot.