An Experimental Study on Polypropylene Fibre as Partial Replacement of Cement in Self Compacting Concrete

Authors : A.Venkateshu, N. Victor Babu

Volume/Issue : Volume 2 - 2017, Issue 5 - May

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Abstract : Self compacting concrete (SCC) is the concrete that is able to flow under that is able to flow in the interior of the form work, filling it in a natural manner and passing through the reinforcing bars and other obstacles ,flowing and consolidating under the action of its own weight .These properties enable the SCC to be an excellent material for constructions with complicated shapes and congested reinforcement .One of the main advantages in using SCC is the minimization of skilled labour needed for placing and finishing the concrete. All these benefits decrease the costs and reduce the time of the building process over constructions made from traditionally vibrated concrete. However, hardened self compacting concrete is still as brittle as normal concrete and has a poor resistance to crack growth. To improve the post –peak parameters of SCC ,polypropylene (Recron fibers) are added. As self compacting concrete offers several economic and technical and benefits the use of polypropylene, polyester and glass fibers extends its possibilities .Polypropylene fibers bridge cracks ,retard their propagation and improve several characteristics and properties of the SCC .The purpose of thesis is to investigate the effects of weight fraction of polypropylene on the compressive strength, split tensile strength and modulus of elasticity of polypropylene fibers reinforced self compacting concrete .For this purpose, Recron fibers where used .Four different fiber volumes were added to concrete mixes at 0.1,0.2,0.3 and 0.4 percent by weight of cement .Four different mixes were prepared .After 28 days of curing ,compressive strength ,split tensile strength and modulus of elasticity were determined. It was found that, inclusion of polypropylene fibers significantly affects the compressive strength, split tensile strength and modulus of elasticity of self-compacting concrete.

Keywords : Recronfibers; formatting; self compacting; hardened.

Self compacting concrete (SCC) is the concrete that is able to flow under that is able to flow in the interior of the form work, filling it in a natural manner and passing through the reinforcing bars and other obstacles ,flowing and consolidating under the action of its own weight .These properties enable the SCC to be an excellent material for constructions with complicated shapes and congested reinforcement .One of the main advantages in using SCC is the minimization of skilled labour needed for placing and finishing the concrete. All these benefits decrease the costs and reduce the time of the building process over constructions made from traditionally vibrated concrete. However, hardened self compacting concrete is still as brittle as normal concrete and has a poor resistance to crack growth. To improve the post –peak parameters of SCC ,polypropylene (Recron fibers) are added. As self compacting concrete offers several economic and technical and benefits the use of polypropylene, polyester and glass fibers extends its possibilities .Polypropylene fibers bridge cracks ,retard their propagation and improve several characteristics and properties of the SCC .The purpose of thesis is to investigate the effects of weight fraction of polypropylene on the compressive strength, split tensile strength and modulus of elasticity of polypropylene fibers reinforced self compacting concrete .For this purpose, Recron fibers where used .Four different fiber volumes were added to concrete mixes at 0.1,0.2,0.3 and 0.4 percent by weight of cement .Four different mixes were prepared .After 28 days of curing ,compressive strength ,split tensile strength and modulus of elasticity were determined. It was found that, inclusion of polypropylene fibers significantly affects the compressive strength, split tensile strength and modulus of elasticity of self-compacting concrete.

Keywords : Recronfibers; formatting; self compacting; hardened.

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