An Innovative Resolution to MR in Light of VDA

Authors : Yashaswini. K, Ms. Savitha. S

Volume/Issue : Volume 2 - 2017, Issue 5 - May

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Abstract : MapReduce is an equivalent programming design model. It is suggested to progress huge bulks of files. Two stages are utilized for handling data map & reduce. It is used in big-data for well organized handling of huge bulks of data. But in modern centuries big-data is been organized on public or unrestricted clouds. MapReduce does not have safety securities but to organize in public cloud environs security is necessary. So by discovering the difficulties and add security components to MapReduce model.

Keywords : Authentication; MR;Job Processor; Hadoop; VDAF

MapReduce is an equivalent programming design model. It is suggested to progress huge bulks of files. Two stages are utilized for handling data map & reduce. It is used in big-data for well organized handling of huge bulks of data. But in modern centuries big-data is been organized on public or unrestricted clouds. MapReduce does not have safety securities but to organize in public cloud environs security is necessary. So by discovering the difficulties and add security components to MapReduce model.

Keywords : Authentication; MR;Job Processor; Hadoop; VDAF

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