An Integrated Assessment of Students' Astuteness and Knowledge

Authors : Davit Gondauri; Ekaterine Mikautadze

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 4 - April

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Abstract : Any assessment must elicit evidence of performance, which is capable of being interpreted. Whether or not these interpretations and actions satisfy the conditions for formative functions, the fact that interpretable evidence has been generated means that the assessment can serve a summative function. Therefore, all assessments can be summative, but only some have the additional capability of serving formative functions. The art of assessment depends on the teacher's diligence and experience, requires a creative approach and caution from him. Thus, the assessment process requires an individual approach in the classroom environment, which will help educators to refine the unified assessment system by sharing teachers' personal practices.

Keywords : Astuteness, Knowledge, Summative Assessment, Formative Assessment.

Any assessment must elicit evidence of performance, which is capable of being interpreted. Whether or not these interpretations and actions satisfy the conditions for formative functions, the fact that interpretable evidence has been generated means that the assessment can serve a summative function. Therefore, all assessments can be summative, but only some have the additional capability of serving formative functions. The art of assessment depends on the teacher's diligence and experience, requires a creative approach and caution from him. Thus, the assessment process requires an individual approach in the classroom environment, which will help educators to refine the unified assessment system by sharing teachers' personal practices.

Keywords : Astuteness, Knowledge, Summative Assessment, Formative Assessment.

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