Authors :
Archana PS; Christan Jose; Albin Biju; Aromal Dileep; Aswanth G Pillai
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December
Google Scholar :
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DOI : 10.5281/zenodo. 14557505
Abstract :
This paper reviews current SOC tools to
identify the deficiencies encountered as well as analyses
the emerging requirements of modern SOC
environments. It means the use of automation, machine
learning and visualization in SOC environ- ments is very
important in order to increase speed and efficiency. This
survey compiles the recent advances in SOC
architecture, automation interfaces and real-time data
processing. After going through the paper, the following
significant observations can be made: Firstly, there is a
lack of coordination in linking numerous tools
collectively; secondly, when it comes to the enhancement
of the detection rate , the engagement of the machine
learning algorithm; and thirdly, rising automation
trends that help to minimize a huge amount of manual
work. Challenges that have kept SOC from gaining
widespread acceptance are discussed including cost,
technical expertise, and privacy issues, followed by
strategies of how an improved SOC tool can be created
to overcome the drawbacks of existing solutions.
References :
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This paper reviews current SOC tools to
identify the deficiencies encountered as well as analyses
the emerging requirements of modern SOC
environments. It means the use of automation, machine
learning and visualization in SOC environ- ments is very
important in order to increase speed and efficiency. This
survey compiles the recent advances in SOC
architecture, automation interfaces and real-time data
processing. After going through the paper, the following
significant observations can be made: Firstly, there is a
lack of coordination in linking numerous tools
collectively; secondly, when it comes to the enhancement
of the detection rate , the engagement of the machine
learning algorithm; and thirdly, rising automation
trends that help to minimize a huge amount of manual
work. Challenges that have kept SOC from gaining
widespread acceptance are discussed including cost,
technical expertise, and privacy issues, followed by
strategies of how an improved SOC tool can be created
to overcome the drawbacks of existing solutions.