An Investigation of Mechanical And Metallurgical Properties of Friction Welded Steel Joint

Authors : Velampati Akhil,M Martin Charles

Volume/Issue : Volume 2 - 2017, Issue 5 - May

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Abstract : Friction welding is a solid state welding process which can be used to join similar as well as dissimilar materials. The rotational speed is kept constant and the other process parameters such as heating pressure, upset Pressure, heating time and upset time are varied using Taguchi L9 orthogonal array technique.Micro Vickers hardness test was conducted to identify the strength .As per ASTM standardsTensile test were conducted on the welded specimens. SEM, EDX were conducted at the friction welded joints to know the phases which occurred during the welding process and the inter-metallic compounds which affected the weld strength. Two dissimilar steel material such as SS316- SS304 and SS316L-SS304 are welded using friction welding in order to increase the mechanical and metallurgical properties of the material.

Friction welding is a solid state welding process which can be used to join similar as well as dissimilar materials. The rotational speed is kept constant and the other process parameters such as heating pressure, upset Pressure, heating time and upset time are varied using Taguchi L9 orthogonal array technique.Micro Vickers hardness test was conducted to identify the strength .As per ASTM standardsTensile test were conducted on the welded specimens. SEM, EDX were conducted at the friction welded joints to know the phases which occurred during the welding process and the inter-metallic compounds which affected the weld strength. Two dissimilar steel material such as SS316- SS304 and SS316L-SS304 are welded using friction welding in order to increase the mechanical and metallurgical properties of the material.

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