Authors :
B Nandhini; Ananya Ramesh; Monisha M; Swathi Krishna K
Volume/Issue :
Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 3 - March
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Abstract :
With this review article, we aim to give a
general overview on the environmental conditions in the
different layers of space extending to above the Kármán
line and also assessing the various microorganisms sent
to space for experimentation and how they are able to
survive there even under extreme environmental
conditions. The vast outer space is a boundless field of
opportunities and new discoveries and has always been
appealing to mankind. The harsh environmental
conditions of space are a challenge for any living form
ranging from microorganisms to humans. However,
using microorganisms and testing their survival paves
way to prove theories of panspermia and extraterrestrial
life. Astrobiology is a rapidly growing field and this
review article hopes to ignite interest on the same by
giving a simplified yet coherent information about the
history, the present and ultimately, the future and scope
of astrobiological studies.
Keywords :
Astrobiology, Microbiology, Kármán line, Space, International Space Station, Survival, Extraterrestrial life, Microgravity, UV-irradiation
With this review article, we aim to give a
general overview on the environmental conditions in the
different layers of space extending to above the Kármán
line and also assessing the various microorganisms sent
to space for experimentation and how they are able to
survive there even under extreme environmental
conditions. The vast outer space is a boundless field of
opportunities and new discoveries and has always been
appealing to mankind. The harsh environmental
conditions of space are a challenge for any living form
ranging from microorganisms to humans. However,
using microorganisms and testing their survival paves
way to prove theories of panspermia and extraterrestrial
life. Astrobiology is a rapidly growing field and this
review article hopes to ignite interest on the same by
giving a simplified yet coherent information about the
history, the present and ultimately, the future and scope
of astrobiological studies.
Keywords :
Astrobiology, Microbiology, Kármán line, Space, International Space Station, Survival, Extraterrestrial life, Microgravity, UV-irradiation