An Unusual Case of Maxillary First Molar: A Case Report

Authors : Reetu Shrestha

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 10 - October

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Abstract : The success of root canal therapy depends on cleaning of all the infected root canals and three- dimensional hermetic seal of the canals. For this, the knowledge of the root canal anatomy plays a vital role. However, the root canal anatomy is not always predictable. It is complex due to various anatomic variations and recognizing it and cleaning it thoroughly is a challenge to clinicians. This case report presents root canal treatment of unusual anatomy of maxillary first molar with six root canals, two mesio-buccal, two disto- buccal and two palatal canals.

Keywords : Disto-Palatal, Maxillary First Molar, Mesio- Palatal, Six Canals.

References :

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The success of root canal therapy depends on cleaning of all the infected root canals and three- dimensional hermetic seal of the canals. For this, the knowledge of the root canal anatomy plays a vital role. However, the root canal anatomy is not always predictable. It is complex due to various anatomic variations and recognizing it and cleaning it thoroughly is a challenge to clinicians. This case report presents root canal treatment of unusual anatomy of maxillary first molar with six root canals, two mesio-buccal, two disto- buccal and two palatal canals.

Keywords : Disto-Palatal, Maxillary First Molar, Mesio- Palatal, Six Canals.

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