Analysis of Irrigation Development Potential in Solo Vallei Werken Land

Authors : Achmad Khozin; Suriptono; Gunawan Wibisono

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 2 - February

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Abstract : The Solo Vallei Werken land is a very strategic state asset, the construction of the canal started in 1893 and then it was suspended so that the Solo Vallei land was abandoned. For the management effort of Solo Vallei Warken, it is deemed very important to conduct an in-depth study, the results of which can be used as a reference, especially for the provision of irrigation water throughout the area. Analysis of dependable discharge, plant water needs and irrigation water needs are performed to ensure area that can be developed and the existing water availability. The analysis results are then followed by an economic feasibility analysis to determine the area development feasibility and economic benefits that will be obtained. From the analysis of irrigation water needs, obtained the maximum amount of water needed in rice fields equal to

Keywords : Solo Vallei Warken; , Irrigation, Benefits.

The Solo Vallei Werken land is a very strategic state asset, the construction of the canal started in 1893 and then it was suspended so that the Solo Vallei land was abandoned. For the management effort of Solo Vallei Warken, it is deemed very important to conduct an in-depth study, the results of which can be used as a reference, especially for the provision of irrigation water throughout the area. Analysis of dependable discharge, plant water needs and irrigation water needs are performed to ensure area that can be developed and the existing water availability. The analysis results are then followed by an economic feasibility analysis to determine the area development feasibility and economic benefits that will be obtained. From the analysis of irrigation water needs, obtained the maximum amount of water needed in rice fields equal to

Keywords : Solo Vallei Warken; , Irrigation, Benefits.

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