Analysis of Sodium Benzoate Levels in Tomato Sauce Sold at Gadingrejo Market Using the U-HPLC (Ultra High Perfomance Liquid Chromatography) Method

Authors : Ayu Dahyani; Vicko Suswidiantoro; Iga Mayola Pisacha; Annajim Daskar

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 6 - June

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Abstract : Food Additives (BTP) are ingredients that are added to food to affect the properties or form of food. One of the types of food additives that are allowed is preservatives. The preservative used for preservatives in food and beverages is sodium benzoate. This study aims to determine the content and content of sodium benzoate in tomato sauce sold at the Gadingrejo market. The sampling technique was in the form of random sampling. This study uses a qualitative method by looking at the color reaction of the reagent and quantitatively with U- HPLC. The motion phase used was methanol:aquabidest (50:50), octadesyl silica (ODS) stationary phase, flow rate 1 ml/min, UV-Vis detector 225 nm and injection volume 20 μL. Based on the results, the four positive samples contained sodium benzoate with each sample, namely the entire tomato sauce had a level of 1.4 mg/g. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the four tomato sauce samples still meet the requirements for the maximum limit of sodium benzoate set by the Regulation of the Head of the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency Number 11 of 2019, which is 1 g/kg of material weight.

Keywords : Sodium Benzoate, Preservative, Tomato Sauce, U-HPLC

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Food Additives (BTP) are ingredients that are added to food to affect the properties or form of food. One of the types of food additives that are allowed is preservatives. The preservative used for preservatives in food and beverages is sodium benzoate. This study aims to determine the content and content of sodium benzoate in tomato sauce sold at the Gadingrejo market. The sampling technique was in the form of random sampling. This study uses a qualitative method by looking at the color reaction of the reagent and quantitatively with U- HPLC. The motion phase used was methanol:aquabidest (50:50), octadesyl silica (ODS) stationary phase, flow rate 1 ml/min, UV-Vis detector 225 nm and injection volume 20 μL. Based on the results, the four positive samples contained sodium benzoate with each sample, namely the entire tomato sauce had a level of 1.4 mg/g. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the four tomato sauce samples still meet the requirements for the maximum limit of sodium benzoate set by the Regulation of the Head of the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency Number 11 of 2019, which is 1 g/kg of material weight.

Keywords : Sodium Benzoate, Preservative, Tomato Sauce, U-HPLC

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