Authors :
Irfan Muhamad Ramadon; Erry Rimawan; Rini Kristianti; Suryadi
Volume/Issue :
Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 7 - July
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Abstract :
The development of a nation is inseparable
from the factors / roles of industry both in services and
manufacturing. This is because of manufacturing and
service industries are very profitable fields by various
parties. The problem at PT ABC related to the
procurement sector is that there are no methods for
making decisions when there are many criteria and
many decision makers. This affects when PT. ABC wants
to buy a Rubber Dumper XP500-R as a safety unit,
based on this problem the most appropriate method is
Analytical Hierarchy Process. AHP method applied by
the Expert Choice (EC) software can help choose the
right supplier. AHP is used because it can calculate
priority assesments for many criteria and many decision
makers. The results of this priority assesments are CV
Rafindo Raya (0.36570) as the first rank followed by CV
Rekatama Tehnik (0.23320) as second, PT Dharma
Geliat Sejahtera as rthird (0.22170), and the last is PT
Emka Jaya Mandiri (0 , 18002).
Keywords :
Decision Making, Crtiteria, AHP, Expert Choice, Supplier.
The development of a nation is inseparable
from the factors / roles of industry both in services and
manufacturing. This is because of manufacturing and
service industries are very profitable fields by various
parties. The problem at PT ABC related to the
procurement sector is that there are no methods for
making decisions when there are many criteria and
many decision makers. This affects when PT. ABC wants
to buy a Rubber Dumper XP500-R as a safety unit,
based on this problem the most appropriate method is
Analytical Hierarchy Process. AHP method applied by
the Expert Choice (EC) software can help choose the
right supplier. AHP is used because it can calculate
priority assesments for many criteria and many decision
makers. The results of this priority assesments are CV
Rafindo Raya (0.36570) as the first rank followed by CV
Rekatama Tehnik (0.23320) as second, PT Dharma
Geliat Sejahtera as rthird (0.22170), and the last is PT
Emka Jaya Mandiri (0 , 18002).
Keywords :
Decision Making, Crtiteria, AHP, Expert Choice, Supplier.