Authors :
Aditya Septiawan; Dr. Pardomuan Sihombing
Volume/Issue :
Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 8 - August
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Abstract :
The objective of this research was to test and
examine the Effect of Bank Financial Performance
Characteristics on Bank Profitability Book 4 (Case study
on Banking Sub-Sector in IDX period 2016 - 2019).
Panel data were analyzed, which is a combination of
annual time sequence data and cross section. Three tests
were designed to examine the optimal model, The Chow
test, Hausman test and Langrange Multiplier test. The
best model was the Common Effect Model (CEM). The
research population used in this study is as many as 8
banking industries. According to the result of this
research, the Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) had a
positive impact on Return On Asset (ROA), Loan to
Deposit Ratio (LDR) had a negative impact on Return
On Asset (ROA), Net Interest Margin (NIM) had a
positive impact on Return On Asset (ROA), NonPerforming Loan (NPL) had a negative and significant
impact on Return On Asset (ROA), Operational
Efficiency Ratio had a negative and significant impact on
Return On Asset (ROA)
Keywords :
Capital Adequasi Ratio (CAR), Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR), Net Interest Margin (NIM), Non Performing Loan (NPL), Operational Efficiency Ratio, Return on Asset (ROA).
The objective of this research was to test and
examine the Effect of Bank Financial Performance
Characteristics on Bank Profitability Book 4 (Case study
on Banking Sub-Sector in IDX period 2016 - 2019).
Panel data were analyzed, which is a combination of
annual time sequence data and cross section. Three tests
were designed to examine the optimal model, The Chow
test, Hausman test and Langrange Multiplier test. The
best model was the Common Effect Model (CEM). The
research population used in this study is as many as 8
banking industries. According to the result of this
research, the Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) had a
positive impact on Return On Asset (ROA), Loan to
Deposit Ratio (LDR) had a negative impact on Return
On Asset (ROA), Net Interest Margin (NIM) had a
positive impact on Return On Asset (ROA), NonPerforming Loan (NPL) had a negative and significant
impact on Return On Asset (ROA), Operational
Efficiency Ratio had a negative and significant impact on
Return On Asset (ROA)
Keywords :
Capital Adequasi Ratio (CAR), Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR), Net Interest Margin (NIM), Non Performing Loan (NPL), Operational Efficiency Ratio, Return on Asset (ROA).