Authors :
Arsad; Anispa; Kassaming; Utari Zulkaidah
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December
Google Scholar :
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Abstract :
Data on cavities in South Sulawesi Province is
55.5%, while in Makassar City data on cavities is
52.09%. In the 5-9 year age group it was 65.51%, while
in the 5-9 year age group it was 5.02%. And the results
of Community Service carried out by the ITKES
Muhammadiyah Sidrap Dental Health Study Program
with the results of dental health data collection for
classes IV and V totaling 44 students. For class 3 def-t
the average of 4.4 is considered high and for class 4 the
average of 4.0 is considered moderate. So research was
conducted to determine the relationship between the
habit of consuming sweet foods and dental health by
measuring using the DMF-T and def-t indices.
Research Objectives:
To find out the relationship between the habit of
consuming sweet foods and dental health in students.
Quantitative research using discovery research
methods. The sampling technique is total sampling with
a total sample of 56 students.
Based on the results of statistical tests using the chi
square test, the result was a p value = 0.000, where the p
value < 0.05, indicating that the hypothesis in this study
was acceptable. of the 56 students who consumed sweet
foods, there were 49 students (87.5%) who consumed
sweet foods in the frequent category with high dental
health as many as 23 students (41.7%) and very high as
many as 26 students (46.4%) with results p value 0.000.
There is a relationship between the habit of
consuming sweet foods and dental health in elementary
school students in grades IV and V at SD Negeri 8
Pangkajene, Sidenreng Rappang Regency in 2024.
Keywords :
Sweet Foods, Dental Health, DEF-T and DEF-T Index.
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Data on cavities in South Sulawesi Province is
55.5%, while in Makassar City data on cavities is
52.09%. In the 5-9 year age group it was 65.51%, while
in the 5-9 year age group it was 5.02%. And the results
of Community Service carried out by the ITKES
Muhammadiyah Sidrap Dental Health Study Program
with the results of dental health data collection for
classes IV and V totaling 44 students. For class 3 def-t
the average of 4.4 is considered high and for class 4 the
average of 4.0 is considered moderate. So research was
conducted to determine the relationship between the
habit of consuming sweet foods and dental health by
measuring using the DMF-T and def-t indices.
Research Objectives:
To find out the relationship between the habit of
consuming sweet foods and dental health in students.
Quantitative research using discovery research
methods. The sampling technique is total sampling with
a total sample of 56 students.
Based on the results of statistical tests using the chi
square test, the result was a p value = 0.000, where the p
value < 0.05, indicating that the hypothesis in this study
was acceptable. of the 56 students who consumed sweet
foods, there were 49 students (87.5%) who consumed
sweet foods in the frequent category with high dental
health as many as 23 students (41.7%) and very high as
many as 26 students (46.4%) with results p value 0.000.
There is a relationship between the habit of
consuming sweet foods and dental health in elementary
school students in grades IV and V at SD Negeri 8
Pangkajene, Sidenreng Rappang Regency in 2024.
Keywords :
Sweet Foods, Dental Health, DEF-T and DEF-T Index.