Authors :
Mohammad Shabran Fathan; Anton Kaharu; Mohammad Yusuf Tuloli
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 10 - October
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Abstract :
This study evaluates the performance of the
intercity public transportation route network system
(AKDP) in Gorontalo Province, Indonesia, with a focus
on aspects of service coverage, overlap, density, and
route network deviations. Data were obtained through
field surveys. The research method includes spatial
analysis using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to
evaluate the coverage and distribution of routes, as well
as statistical analysis to measure the density and ratio of
routes based on operational data and field surveys. The
research results show that the coverage of route services
is not yet even, with some areas being underserved. Route
overlaps were identified on several main corridors,
resulting in operational inefficiencies. The density of the
routes shows significant variation, with some routes
experiencing overcrowding while others are
underutilized. The route ratio also shows an imbalance
between the number of vehicles and passenger needs.
Deviations from the established route plan were also
found, which could potentially reduce service reliability.
Based on these findings, it is recommended to restructure
the route network and improve operational management
to enhance the efficiency and quality of transportation
services in Gorontalo Province.
Keywords :
Service Coverage, Overlapping Routes, Route Density, Route Deviations, Gorontalo Indonesia
References :
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This study evaluates the performance of the
intercity public transportation route network system
(AKDP) in Gorontalo Province, Indonesia, with a focus
on aspects of service coverage, overlap, density, and
route network deviations. Data were obtained through
field surveys. The research method includes spatial
analysis using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to
evaluate the coverage and distribution of routes, as well
as statistical analysis to measure the density and ratio of
routes based on operational data and field surveys. The
research results show that the coverage of route services
is not yet even, with some areas being underserved. Route
overlaps were identified on several main corridors,
resulting in operational inefficiencies. The density of the
routes shows significant variation, with some routes
experiencing overcrowding while others are
underutilized. The route ratio also shows an imbalance
between the number of vehicles and passenger needs.
Deviations from the established route plan were also
found, which could potentially reduce service reliability.
Based on these findings, it is recommended to restructure
the route network and improve operational management
to enhance the efficiency and quality of transportation
services in Gorontalo Province.