Authors :
Komariah; Erry Rimawan; Eka Lestari; Ening Handayani
Volume/Issue :
Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 8 - August
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Abstract :
In general, a telecommunication outsourcing
company provides a facility for customers to
communicate directly or indirectly with customer service
in the company. The service development strategy
provided by Mitracomm Ekasarana is by telephone or
Call Center against pre-employment projects formed to
make it easier for the general public to be complacency
against constraints as for research objectives, how the
level of quality of call center services of pre-employment
projects, and how participants satisfaction with the
paying call center complaints of pre-employment cards.
This study uses the Service Quality analysis method from
the questionnaire results given to the pre-employment
card project participants to determine the GAP value
between the participants' perception and expectations of
service attributes and perceived satisfaction levels and
Importance and Performance Analysis analysis methods
to determine the category of an attribute. It can
determine the priorities that must be improved to
improve participant satisfaction. The result of the study
is that the quality of services provided by the call center
of the pre-employment project has not met participants'
expectations because the quality value (Q) calculated ≤ 1.
Of the five dimensions, an enormous service quality
value in the tangible dimension is 0.766, and the smallest
is the reliability dimension quality value of 0.769. The
average quality of service in every dimension is 0.8.
Moreover, the conclusion produced is on the cartesian
diagram IPA attributes that become the main priority
for improvement that is the overall attributes contained
in quadrant A, namely the ease of access to call center
services, can be accessed anywhere, can be contacted 12
hours, provide apologies and knowledge and
professionalism of call center officers
Keywords :
Call Center; GAP; Service Quality; Importance and Performance
In general, a telecommunication outsourcing
company provides a facility for customers to
communicate directly or indirectly with customer service
in the company. The service development strategy
provided by Mitracomm Ekasarana is by telephone or
Call Center against pre-employment projects formed to
make it easier for the general public to be complacency
against constraints as for research objectives, how the
level of quality of call center services of pre-employment
projects, and how participants satisfaction with the
paying call center complaints of pre-employment cards.
This study uses the Service Quality analysis method from
the questionnaire results given to the pre-employment
card project participants to determine the GAP value
between the participants' perception and expectations of
service attributes and perceived satisfaction levels and
Importance and Performance Analysis analysis methods
to determine the category of an attribute. It can
determine the priorities that must be improved to
improve participant satisfaction. The result of the study
is that the quality of services provided by the call center
of the pre-employment project has not met participants'
expectations because the quality value (Q) calculated ≤ 1.
Of the five dimensions, an enormous service quality
value in the tangible dimension is 0.766, and the smallest
is the reliability dimension quality value of 0.769. The
average quality of service in every dimension is 0.8.
Moreover, the conclusion produced is on the cartesian
diagram IPA attributes that become the main priority
for improvement that is the overall attributes contained
in quadrant A, namely the ease of access to call center
services, can be accessed anywhere, can be contacted 12
hours, provide apologies and knowledge and
professionalism of call center officers
Keywords :
Call Center; GAP; Service Quality; Importance and Performance