Analysis of Work Measurement Using a Stopwatch in a Motorcycle Workshop

Authors : Muhammad Rizki; Yusuf Perdinan Sihaloho; Fajar Garninda; Trima Fatwa; Yudi Prastyo

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 5 - May

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Abstract : In realizing competitiveness, a company/ business organization must have operational excellence. Operational excellence is obtained through the provision of facilities in the form of tools or work systems that enable workers to operate them more efficiently and effectively, where efficiency and effectiveness are two things that produce productivity. Apart from many influencing factors, such as worker experience and knowledge, CV. XYZ – a work organization engaged in the repair of two-wheeled motorized vehicles – is also trying to create an advantage that allows them to increase their productivity. This research is a quantitative descriptive study, which takes time data from the two jobs most routinely carried out by CV. XYZ, namely changing engine oil and gear oil. This research was carried out with the aim of finding out the standard time needed for workers to complete their work and making recommendations for possible improvements to be implemented by CV management. XYZ, namely recommendations for the layout of work facilities and also the sequence of work processes. The measurement results show that the standard time required to complete the job of changing engine oil and garden oil is 372.68 seconds and 417.99 seconds, respectively. Creating an operational flow map (current FPC) shows that the average distance that workers need to travel while working on engine oil and garden oil is 22 meters. The results of the FPC recommendation provided show that the distance has decreased to 16.5 meters or 5.5 meters shorter.

Keywords : Work Measurement, Efficiency, Effectiveness, Productivity, and Operational Excellence.

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In realizing competitiveness, a company/ business organization must have operational excellence. Operational excellence is obtained through the provision of facilities in the form of tools or work systems that enable workers to operate them more efficiently and effectively, where efficiency and effectiveness are two things that produce productivity. Apart from many influencing factors, such as worker experience and knowledge, CV. XYZ – a work organization engaged in the repair of two-wheeled motorized vehicles – is also trying to create an advantage that allows them to increase their productivity. This research is a quantitative descriptive study, which takes time data from the two jobs most routinely carried out by CV. XYZ, namely changing engine oil and gear oil. This research was carried out with the aim of finding out the standard time needed for workers to complete their work and making recommendations for possible improvements to be implemented by CV management. XYZ, namely recommendations for the layout of work facilities and also the sequence of work processes. The measurement results show that the standard time required to complete the job of changing engine oil and garden oil is 372.68 seconds and 417.99 seconds, respectively. Creating an operational flow map (current FPC) shows that the average distance that workers need to travel while working on engine oil and garden oil is 22 meters. The results of the FPC recommendation provided show that the distance has decreased to 16.5 meters or 5.5 meters shorter.

Keywords : Work Measurement, Efficiency, Effectiveness, Productivity, and Operational Excellence.

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