Analyzing the Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Skills, and Mathematics Performance of Stem Students

Authors : Xe Mc Kevin B. España

Volume/Issue : Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 4 - April

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Abstract : The study aims to explore the cognitive and non-cognitive skills, and general mathematics performance of Grade 11 STEM students in Agusan National High School, Butuan City, Philippines. The study is quantitative in nature and used descriptivecorrelational research design. The cognitive skills among Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) students resulted to 3.490 indicates a very high level among students which implies that student/s has/have a very high level of cognitive skill which means that their thinking, remembering, and reasoning ability is very high as well. On the other hand, the non-cognitive skills a resulted to 3.479 also indicates a very high noncognitive skills which means that the student/s has/have a very high level of non-cognitive skill which means that their motivation, integrity, and interpersonal interaction ability is very high. Meanwhile, the overall average grade of STEM students is 93.467. The study found out that r-value=0.065 of cognitive skills and general mathematics performance of STEM students has a strong and direct relationship which means that if cognitive skills increase, students’ general mathematics performance also increase or if one decreases, the other one also moves at the same direction. The p-value of cognitive skills and general mathematics performance is 0.001 which implies a rejection of null hypothesis. This means that there is a significant relationship between cognitive skill and grade 11 students’ general mathematics performance. The strength and direction of the relationship between non-cognitive skills and general mathematics performance of STEM students is the same with cognitive and general mathematics. The r-value between the two is equal to 0.623 and a p-value=0.000. The p-value indicates that there is a significant relationship between non-cognitive skill and grade 11 students’ general mathematics performance.

The study aims to explore the cognitive and non-cognitive skills, and general mathematics performance of Grade 11 STEM students in Agusan National High School, Butuan City, Philippines. The study is quantitative in nature and used descriptivecorrelational research design. The cognitive skills among Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) students resulted to 3.490 indicates a very high level among students which implies that student/s has/have a very high level of cognitive skill which means that their thinking, remembering, and reasoning ability is very high as well. On the other hand, the non-cognitive skills a resulted to 3.479 also indicates a very high noncognitive skills which means that the student/s has/have a very high level of non-cognitive skill which means that their motivation, integrity, and interpersonal interaction ability is very high. Meanwhile, the overall average grade of STEM students is 93.467. The study found out that r-value=0.065 of cognitive skills and general mathematics performance of STEM students has a strong and direct relationship which means that if cognitive skills increase, students’ general mathematics performance also increase or if one decreases, the other one also moves at the same direction. The p-value of cognitive skills and general mathematics performance is 0.001 which implies a rejection of null hypothesis. This means that there is a significant relationship between cognitive skill and grade 11 students’ general mathematics performance. The strength and direction of the relationship between non-cognitive skills and general mathematics performance of STEM students is the same with cognitive and general mathematics. The r-value between the two is equal to 0.623 and a p-value=0.000. The p-value indicates that there is a significant relationship between non-cognitive skill and grade 11 students’ general mathematics performance.

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