Analyzing the Effect of Petrol Subsidy Removal on Food Security among Households in Kebbi State

Authors : Ahmed Abdulfatahi Yusuf; Kabiru Ibrahim Hannafi; Abdul-Azeez Sani Baraya

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December

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Abstract : This study analized the influence of petrol subsidy removal on food security among Kebbi State households in Nigeria. The study applied a primary data aided by a binary logistic model which were obtained from the respondents using a questionnaire approach. The strategy adopted in this study revealed an interesting finding as all the variables of interest were found to significantly affect food security. Petrol subsidy removal, food inflation, and transport fare negatively affect the food security of households on the other hand rise in food expenditure augments food security. Recommended by the study that, the government should imbibe serious commitment to checkmate pervasive corruption on the issue of subsidy payment rather than just removing it completely.

Keywords : Petrol Subsidy, Food Security, Households. JEL: H24, H31, Q18

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This study analized the influence of petrol subsidy removal on food security among Kebbi State households in Nigeria. The study applied a primary data aided by a binary logistic model which were obtained from the respondents using a questionnaire approach. The strategy adopted in this study revealed an interesting finding as all the variables of interest were found to significantly affect food security. Petrol subsidy removal, food inflation, and transport fare negatively affect the food security of households on the other hand rise in food expenditure augments food security. Recommended by the study that, the government should imbibe serious commitment to checkmate pervasive corruption on the issue of subsidy payment rather than just removing it completely.

Keywords : Petrol Subsidy, Food Security, Households. JEL: H24, H31, Q18

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